Following the Rules - Saying Hello!!

operator Posts: 53
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there all,

Well I found this site in November of '09, but i had decided to take December and really let myself go. Not like crazy "go" just did not go to the gym, did not train, and relaxed with family and friends....and I'll tell was nice.

Now it is back to the grindstone and getting back into shape. I am 210 pounds and I am looking to drop to about 190 or so. Early 2007 I was 179 and want to be close to that again. I saw the thread from John about P-90-X and I just picked that up again too. Plyometrics tomorrow!!!!!! WoooHooo!

I am also a big mixed martial artist, so my plan is to get up every morning (my wife gets up at 6 a.m so I just will get up with her) and do P-90-X Classic. Then I go to work and we have a matroom in the back that we train Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. I figured if I can do that every day, go on a hike/walk with the Wife and the Dog on Saturdays and gym it on Sunday...I should be well on my way to losing weight.

So that's my story. I think this site is great and I look forward to being motivated!!!


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