Going Gluten free

For the most part. I will forget it for eating out in resteraunts and stuff

Anyone joining me? Or have had good results from going gluten free?

I have heard wheat can make you retain weight?

Though i am doing it to relieve indigestion... more than anything.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Going gluten free only "works" if you have a gluten intolerance or have Celiacs. Other than that, it probably won't do any more for you than cutting out any other random food item.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Most people have an intollerance to gluten!
  • missattitude57
    I've heard that it does help keep the weight on. There's a book called 'wheat belly' that I've heard is quite educational on the matter.
  • turboturtlepower
    Not 100% true. People who do Paleo really don't have gluten in their diet and their bodies are pretty darn near perfect (at least from what I've seen paleo eaters showcase).

    I believe I was miss dx'd last year with celiac disease, come to find it's really only acid indegestion. Apple cider vinegar helps for the cheat meals.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    If you are doing this because of health reasons, I'd consult a doctor. If not for health reasons, it's quite pointless.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    Not 100% true. People who do Paleo really don't have gluten in their diet and their bodies are pretty darn near perfect (at least from what I've seen paleo eaters showcase).

    I believe I was miss dx'd last year with celiac disease, come to find it's really only acid indegestion. Apple cider vinegar helps for the cheat meals.

    Sure, or cut out the cheat meals....
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Going gluten free only "works" if you have a gluten intolerance or have Celiacs. Other than that, it probably won't do any more for you than cutting out any other random food item.

    ^^^ yup!

    I'm doing the South Beach Diet, which means I automatically won't be eating gluten in the first few weeks...but it isn't the lack of gluten that counts, it is the effect that removing these carbs has on your blood glucose levels and the fact that it essentially forces the body to burn its own, stored glucose (glycogen) and fat reserves. That's the simplest way I can put it...it is certainly more involved and not quite as clear-cut as my mini explanation! You should try SBD, though :)
  • stacyhall79
    first off, must be nice to be able to "just not worry about in restaurants and stuff". Being gluten free isn't a choice for me and its not an easy diet to have to follow. If you are just looking to drop a few pounds, cut out white foods, flour, rice, and processed foods.
  • turboturtlepower
    Not 100% true. People who do Paleo really don't have gluten in their diet and their bodies are pretty darn near perfect (at least from what I've seen paleo eaters showcase).

    I believe I was miss dx'd last year with celiac disease, come to find it's really only acid indegestion. Apple cider vinegar helps for the cheat meals.

    Sure, or cut out the cheat meals....

    I'd highly recommend that, too...but some people choose not to.
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Gluten really isnt an on for the week, off for a weekend type of thing, at least for people who have a condition where they can not eat gluten. It takes months ((6+) for your intestines to heal from damage from wheat when there is disease involved. Meaning you can not eat it only on the weekends. I have an auto-immune disease, so that is why im choosing to give it whirl for more cognitive improvement and less joint pain/stiffness. As far as weight loss, idk if it really helps or not, just chimming in with my knowledge. Good luck.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Going gluten free only "works" if you have a gluten intolerance or have Celiacs. Other than that, it probably won't do any more for you than cutting out any other random food item.
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    This is my third week going wheat and dairy free and I couldn't have felt better. I am less gassy and bloated and I am digesting my food much better. I am doing a 30 day test run and so far its awesome plus the added benefit of weight loss.
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    The only people I have known who have had "good results" from going gluten free are people with Celiac's disease who need to be GF so they aren't sick. But none of them have lost weight by doing it. (I agree with the other posters who say there's more to it...)
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Most people have an intollerance to gluten!

    Completely FALSE! Most people do NOT have a gluten intolerance.

    From CeliacCenter.org: "Research from the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research indicates that it affects approximately 18 million people, or six percent of the population."

    Stop making stuff up!

    ETA: Oops! Meant to post the link: http://www.celiaccenter.org/gluten_faq.asp#howmany
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Well this was friendly Lol

    As i said in my original post, I am cutting it out to relieve indigestion.

    being allergic to something and having an intollerance to something are very different.

    I have spoken to my doctor.

    By 'good results' i was meaning across the board, people who have noticed a change in weight, people who have suffered indigestion and bloating like me, just personal experiences really.

    I dont eat out once a week, or once a month even, perhaps 2/3 times a year, but that is really my business isn't it, no need for people to get shirty about it, frankly if i want to cover myself in wheat and roll around, thats my business too!

    If 'reducing' (if everyone is more comfortable with that terminology) the gluten in my diet improves my digestive system, then thats a good thing. Again, i haven't suggesed i will hurt or attack anyone else, i haven't said i will harm or hurt myself so WHY this thread has created so much hosplity is quite beyond me.

  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Well! I had the same meal as the boys but with gluten free pasta and didn't cook my pasta properly!

    It was okay though, just the same as normal pasta really.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I am actually getting arsey private messages now because i have DARED to suggest i would like to cut gluten out of my diet!!!


    I am sorry i ever posted this thread, what i expected was some stories about going gluten free/having to go gluten free and the issues people faced.

    Not an attack on me!

  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    If you are doing this because of health reasons, I'd consult a doctor. If not for health reasons, it's quite pointless.

    So nice, telling someone their diet is pointless. Really? She said she has indigestion, and is willing to try something that may help it. Have you ever tried to go gluten-free? If not, how do you know it's pointless?

    Have you ever read about why gluten is problematic for so many people? If not, here's a place to start:

    It's not just about Celiacs. Many people find that eliminating gluten also helps reduce allergies, inflammation, and... wait for it... weight!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    The only people I have known who have had "good results" from going gluten free are people with Celiac's disease who need to be GF so they aren't sick. But none of them have lost weight by doing it. (I agree with the other posters who say there's more to it...)

    I've gone grain free by choice (and hence, gluten free), but not because I'm Celiac. As a result of going grain free, I have since discovered that I am more sensitive to gluten when I do consume it. I think before I was actually gluten sensitive (though not Celiac), and my body was adjusted to dealing with the constant sensitivity. Now that I have eliminated it, my gut has a stronger reaction to gluten.

    I'm so thankful that I'm not Celiac. It is nice that I don't have to worry about getting inadvertantly "glutened" at a restaurant. If I do eat something that has small amounts of gluten, I'm not going to be terribly sick. If I eat a big gluteny dish, I will be in the bathroom for the next two days, but not in the hospital, as many Celiacs do.

    The OP may find that she can't cheat in restaurants after 30 days of being gluten free without feeling sick. Or, she may find that she can. Still, eliminating grains may be healthful for her if she does it 80% of the time.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Most people have an intollerance to gluten!

    Completely FALSE! Most people do NOT have a gluten intolerance.

    From CeliacCenter.org: "Research from the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research indicates that it affects approximately 18 million people, or six percent of the population."

    Stop making stuff up!

    ETA: Oops! Meant to post the link: http://www.celiaccenter.org/gluten_faq.asp#howmany

    There is a difference between gluten intolerance (Celiac) and gluten sensitivity. Celiac is an auto-immune disorder. Gluten sensitivity is not. However, there are many of the same symptoms between the two, with varying levels of severity.