This is my only RANT....



  • I appreciate all the comments..our CEO does tours all the time for anyone that wants to see the plant because he proud of what we do...and other departments have vendors in all the time...and PR is always important...
  • Just relax. You thought you were the the right thing. Don't quit! In this economy a job is a good thing. Do you have to get bids for the equipment? Security is always an issue in this day and time. Had you narrowed the selection down to this one vendor? If not, a tour was not necessary. The vendor was trying to establish a relationship with you. At some point, you may have to tell your boss that he was right.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    They already purchase from this particular vendor she stated.

    Customer / Vendor relationships are very important, especially now days in the world we live in.

    I can not imagine anyone saying a vendor or a potential customer can not come in and tour facilities. That is AWFUL business practice.

    And I have worked for Northrop Grumman in a Naval Shipyard where there was highly classified information, blue prints, etc. - They still took vendors and customers on tours of the facilities.

    I'm guessing that not just anyone was allowed to give tours and their was a permission process.
  • wow really....I would be excorting them through the plant...DUH
  • Just relax. You thought you were the the right thing. Don't quit! In this economy a job is a good thing. Do you have to get bids for the equipment? Security is always an issue in this day and time. Had you narrowed the selection down to this one vendor? If not, a tour was not necessary. The vendor was trying to establish a relationship with you. At some point, you may have to tell your boss that he was right.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    They already purchase from this particular vendor she stated.

    Customer / Vendor relationships are very important, especially now days in the world we live in.

    I can not imagine anyone saying a vendor or a potential customer can not come in and tour facilities. That is AWFUL business practice.

    And I have worked for Northrop Grumman in a Naval Shipyard where there was highly classified information, blue prints, etc. - They still took vendors and customers on tours of the facilities.

    I'm guessing that not just anyone was allowed to give tours and their was a permission process.

    Have you ever done Customer Service...PR is so important in the business atmosphere...
  • Um, no you were wrong. Period. Seriously -- theft of property and ideas never occurred to you?

    If he was walking with the vendor, there would be no threat of theft.. this is common practice..
  • Um, no you were wrong. Period. Seriously -- theft of property and ideas never occurred to you?

    If he was walking with the vendor, there would be no threat of theft.. this is common practice..

    Not immediate theft, sunshine, but learning how a state of the art facility is laid out for a later theft or break in. And depending on the type of industry we're talking about, no, it's really NOT common practice.
  • Just relax. You thought you were the the right thing. Don't quit! In this economy a job is a good thing. Do you have to get bids for the equipment? Security is always an issue in this day and time. Had you narrowed the selection down to this one vendor? If not, a tour was not necessary. The vendor was trying to establish a relationship with you. At some point, you may have to tell your boss that he was right.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    They already purchase from this particular vendor she stated.

    Customer / Vendor relationships are very important, especially now days in the world we live in.

    I can not imagine anyone saying a vendor or a potential customer can not come in and tour facilities. That is AWFUL business practice.

    And I have worked for Northrop Grumman in a Naval Shipyard where there was highly classified information, blue prints, etc. - They still took vendors and customers on tours of the facilities.

    I'm guessing that not just anyone was allowed to give tours and their was a permission process.

    Have you ever done Customer Service...PR is so important in the business atmosphere...

    Um, are you missing the part where the CUSTOMER was giving the tour to the VENDOR, not the VENDOR giving the TOUR to the customer? Vendors generally kiss all kinds of butt to keep their clients -- not clients kissing butt to keep vendors. It's not that having a good relationship with vendors isn't important but priority would certainly be given to maintaining the security of a state of the art facility. Period.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    While you are busy trying to set up a repor with your vendor you might also want to try developing a comfortable working relationship with them. A little friendly rapport goes a long way in business.

    Perhaps your boss would like to help escort them through the facility. That way he could avoid the areas that might be proprietary.