psoriasis diet and weight loss.

Hi all, I have psoriasis, good at moment had phototherapy treatment in the Spring but it can get very very bad.
Have done elimination diets in the past - giving up virtually everything, wheat, dairy, anything red (colour and brings heat in body) no citrus etc etc eating only green veg, pears, bananas, brown rice inside of potatoes drinking only mineral water. Anyway have done this in the past twice for about three months at a time and it works brilliantly. (Sandra Gibbons e- book availablle free online to psoriasis sufferers) BUT anyway I always fall off the wagon as it's so hard to stick to long term giving up everything. Just wondering if any fellow psoriasis sufferers out there that have eliminated anything/particular food group that have helped?? I am a vegetarian already so don't eat meat. Have read alot about fish omega 3 good for sufferers - I don't eat fish but would be interested if anyone got any advice.....Also heard importance of anti inflamitary diet - almonds?? ........ Basically want to lose 21lbs and also would like to help my psoriasis and i'm open to any info or helpful advice....Thanks!


  • LizzyAWDavis
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Eczema since 2006. At least that was when it really presented.
    I know Eczema is an autoimmune disorder. Not a skin disorder. Is Psoriasis also?
    I honestly can't tell if how I eat has changed it. In may case, stress may have been a trigger.
    At its worst I had it on the palms of both hands the balls of both feet. Now it is just on the right side: fortunately I am left handed.
    When is flares up, the only thing I found that helps are the two strong ointment my dermatologist prescribed. One steroidal, one non-steroidal. Having it localized does make treating it a lot easier.
    Still sucks when it causes my hand to get inflamed enough that I can't make a closed fist. I also can't wear weight lighting gloves. Not soft enough on the inside. But cycling gloves may do the trick.
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    fishgutzy, yes Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder as well.

    LizzyAWDavis, I have Psoriasis as well and have Psoriatic Arthritis, but haven't really noticed a change in diet helping either. The daily exercise helps with the arthritis some. I have tried almost everything and wish I knew of something help as I have it real bad in the scalp. Maybe someone else has suggestions.
  • LizzyAWDavis
    Hi - thanks for the response. I know that when I have alcohol or spicy things my psoriasis itches more and/or the next day appears redder. Just wondered if anyone had tried anything else food wise - but the thing with psoriasis is what worked once might not work again and it's so unpredictable who knows!! Anyway thanks for the replies.. x
  • robynjohnson90
    LizzyAWDavis, I just ran across your post and thought I'd share my story. I struggled with guttate psoriasis for a few years. I'm a dietetics and nutrition major so I already had a healthy lifestyle but my psoriasis affected my confidence and I just wasn't myself. A few months ago, I got desperate so I tried a money back guarantee trial with Shakeology. Within two weeks, my skin was clear!! I read the label so many times and still don't know what the heck is the miracle component but it worked for me. Now I drink it almost every day. Haven't had an issue since Novemeber :) If you have more questions don't hesitate to friend or message me! I know how depressing psoriasis can be so I want to tell people my story just in case it would work for them as well!