Positives of a healthy life

Strenght training & (mostly) clean eating for me (might be something else for you) -

Things to look fwd to if your wanting motivation & things to be grateful for if your in the throws:
1. different kinda "bloated"
**when i eat right & get my water in (usually around 120oz minimum), i feel full - all day!, like i'm carrying a water baby (& not to mention have to pee A LOT) but i never feel that yucky, "crap why'd i eat all that" sluggish, "fat" feeling.
2. Overall leanness
**probably an additional side effect of #1, but i don't feel like i have to cram into my clothes anymore
3. great skin
**this is a "3rd party" observation, but my husband says my skin feels amazing.. .like soft amazing. must be the hydration. My complextion is better too (after the initial "oh, i have to actually wash my face, now? [b/c i'm sweating so much during the day] )
4. Inches lost
**see #2
5. A different kind of energy
**I've noticed on my wks break (unintentially from the gym albeit) that I have a different kind of "tired" feeling going on.; when i am in the gym, i'm usually more than ready for bed come 9pm, since i get up @ 530 & workout 2x a day - but this wk, i go to bed @ 9 and get up @ 630, and am doing no extra workouts - and i'm spent!, but it's a physical tired, not a ready for a good nights recharge tired...

Just a few of my favorite things... what's yours?