Starting Again (no diet just life style change)

My name is Vanessa and I am starting again this time no dieting just changing my life style to exercising and nutritious food. I am 31 and I was let go from my job earlier this year. Prior to that I have dieted on and off lowest I got was 175lbs but would jump back up to 185 to 190lbs. Well when I got let go I jumped to a whopping 210lbs. I told my self I would never past the 200 mark but I did and now I feel even worse. But I got me a membership to a club and going to do some personal training thanks to my moms help to get me started in a better life style change instead of a diet that the lbs always come back from. I would also like to have another child but do to my PCOS polly cystic overy syndrome I am struggling and my weight is very unhealthy. My husband says we can talk more about having another child if I lose the weight. So my goal this year is to try to stay on track and get healthy and active so I can live as long as I can for the child I have and to be active with him as well as maybe trying for another baby.