Lifestyle Change vs Diet

even though I don't want to have to keep counting calories for the rest of my life, it motivates me a whole lot more to see what I am currently doing as a permanent lifestyle change rather than dieting. Calories counting makes me much more aware of what I'm actually putting in my body, helps me make the smart choice ( pass on desert, extra sides, sauces...) but I will not guilt myself if one day I eat something "bad". They say it takes 30 days to change a habit. Well hopefully that also works for picking up one!


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Counting the calories allows you to make sure you are making good choices and you will be able to transition off eventually. I tried nearly every other diet out there before finding MFP. I have given up NOTHING, but have learned so much about my eating habits through logging.

    I've been on MFP for a little over a year. I have logged absolutely everything I have eaten for the last 371 days! Now that I am approaching my goal weight, I am working on learning to be an intuitive eater and listen to my own signals for when to eat and when to stop.

    It's wonderful the freedom that comes from living without ridiculous restrictions and rules!
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    One of the lifestyle changes I made was to count calories (more specifically the types of food I am eating). From an obesity study I have been reading about, journalling your calories is a habit most people have and keep to maintain their weight.
  • I absolutely agree with that, I see this that way, too. I recently added more activity, too. I hope I can keep it up long term. :)
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    I definately dont take counting calories as a "diet" its just being smart about what/how much your putting in your body and its something that is easy to do for a lifestyle and like a previous poster said, try to get to an intuitive point where you already know and dont need to track they way you are now.

    I know personally I dont need to count my calories to know what I should and shouldn't eat or how much I should or shouldnt eat. BUT this keeps me accountable until Im at a place I can have more self control.

    Even if your eating at maintenance I think its good to pay attention because its also about making healhty choices too not just weight loss.
  • misstori09
    misstori09 Posts: 41 Member
    I always said that I would not count calories. Well, I've been on this current journey since August 6th and I'm loving it. I am not on a diet I am making a lifestyle change. I find myself picking up healthier things, and choosing alternative ways to cook. I would tell anyone needing to make better choices to try it. I saw the calories in some things I ate, and I literally became sick. No wonder my weight is where it was.... Good Luck..... you CAN do it!:smile:
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    The first time I joine MFP I looked at it as another way for me to diet. This time not so much. After reading different post about being accountable to yourself and what your eating I realize the Counting Calories is not a diet. It is another way to realize what you are putting in your body. This time around I log everything I eat even the brownies my boyfriend and I binged on the other night. It is helping me to make better choices of what I eat and of how much I eat. It truly is a habit that I plan on keeping with this time around. If you look at most diet plans or workout plans they want you to keep a food journal or count calories. It truly is the best way to hold yourself accountable.
  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    I don't plan to count or log food forever but I do think it makes sense to check yourself occasionally to make sure you are estimating fairly closely. Of course if it helps motivate you and you think it's fun, why not? As long as it doesn't become a demotivating chore.
  • fitsin10
    log forever if you want to maintain that weight for life. Eventually you do learn what not to eat and how much but when you log it keeps you on your toes. Most people do need that because I myself have yo-yo-ed, not this time though. Now I will keep logging and Forever! I have lost most of my weight and maintained it (kept logging) for 2 years, now I came back to lose the last few pounds and it's an awesome lifestyle change not a diet. Good luck to everyone!