My names sarah im new here...



  • Wordwarrior7
    Wordwarrior7 Posts: 7 Member
    Sarah, One of the best tips I can give you, is when your mind is in a slump, and you don't feel like workingout, or whatever your doing to she the pounds, that's when you overcome and just do it. There are days I don't feel like going to the gym, but that's when I force myself, and I have one of my best workouts. Also as a Christian, it can pertain to my Church life. There are days I don't want to go, but I force myself, and that is when I hear a sermon that just speaks hard to me. I believe you can do this. I won't lie, it's going to take a lot of hard work and determination, but you can do it.
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    HI. your welcome to add me. Im 20 with two kids.XD