Hi my name is Amanda and I am new here

I recently had a baby during that pregnancy I had gestational diabetes, only to find out now 8 weeks later it was not caused by the pregnancy. I am now in the pre-diabetic category so my only option is to continue my weight loss. During my pregnancy I lost 40 pounds and lost almost 20 more after birth but recently gained 10 of that back (went a little crazy after not having to follow the diabetic diet) so now here I am and back at it!


  • sleepygirl38
    sleepygirl38 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Amanda,

    One of the major reasons why I want to drop weight is so that I am a healthy weight when I get pregnant. I am ready to have a baby but I am not ready to be a mom until I make my health a priority. Congratualions on motherhood!