


  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member

    So re-training your body to crave whole, healthy, unprocessed foods is going to cause us to put the weight back on?

    Nope, but doing silly things like detoxing and juicing will practically guarantee it.

    Oh, you must be an expert. I'm sorry. My personal experience with juicing must be wrong. Consuming fresh fruits and veggies is a sure path to an unhealthy lifestyle. It's gotta be the lack of fiber in the juice that guarantees we'll be scarfing down McDonalds soon after we stop drinking that nasty, unhealthy juice. So glad you're here to clear that up for me.

    No problem. I'm here to help and (hopefully) sway people from wasting their time with gimmicks.
  • Krista_1
    Krista_1 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey supporters of the juice fast. Basically I ate fresh fruits and veg for 3 days as preparation. Then the last 2 days I have been mostly juicing veg. I sure have been drinking a lot of carrot juice! I have some good results so far, and I am achieving what I was looking for out of this detox. If you are interested, message me personally.