Comfort/Emotional eating

Hey everyone :)

I'm so mad at myself at the moment, I've had such a bad week on the diet mainly due to comfort eating late at night after doing well all day.

I've really got a problem with comfort eating and it's something I need to stop in order to lose weight and keep it off!

Has anyone got any advice/ tips on how to control it?

Thanks in advance :) x


  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I have soooo dealt with this issue my whole life (which is why I;m here now!). One thing I found that seems toh elp is to get away from food when I am emotionally upset Take a walk or go for a drive, but do everything you can to avoid food and calm down before returning home.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    I try to use yoga as a replacement for emotional eating. I redirect my focus and usually after 30 minutes I feel much better and no longer need the comfort food.
  • emkate16
    emkate16 Posts: 13 Member
    That's great advice, thank you :) a lot of the time though its when I'm worried or stressed, for example at the moment im really struggling with an important exam i have next week, and I've been feeling so miserable between one thing and another I've just turned to food, which is making things worse as my weight is really getting me down. It's a vicious circle :( x
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Emotional eating is a problem I need to deal with too. I haven't sorted that out yet, hopefully will be able to get some other people's tips from here.
    With the late night eating, I am bad if I am sitting in front of the tv I am not really watching it, my mind is churning over other things and I just snack on junk. I find if I clean my teeth and hop into bed with a good book, that helps.
  • doughertym11
    I used to be like that. Honestly I know I will get a lot of **** for this, but a short fast is the way I broke my bond with food. I only fasted for about 48 hours. All I did the first day was drink juice and the next just water. On the third day I started eating again but only ate "clean" foods like hard boiled eggs, etc. I kept my calorie goal at 1200 for the day and have been doing great ever since. It really helps you to realize food is simply fuel and I have way less cravings.

    It's a battle with your mind, you just have to overcome it and realize what you truly want. Do you want comfort RIGHT NOW or do you want to make yourself happy next week when you see that pound lost? It's cheap momentary happiness that turns to sadness and keeps you from your real goals.
  • emkate16
    emkate16 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone :)

    if I tried fasting I'm afraid I would end up bingeing...yeah I agree it is a case of mind over matter most of the time! It's just so hard to control, especially because its what I've done for so long, which has caused me to gain in the first place. Thanks for the advice, gonna ask myself that the next time I go to comfort eat x
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    I have made a big list of things I need to do and my plan is that every time I want to eat to make myself feel good, I am going to get up and do one of the jobs on the list.
    I have only started all this in the last few days and have already done a couple of small things (cleaned off the top of a cupboard in my room, cleaned out one drawer of clothes), but it has been enough just to take my mind off things and I feel good that I have also got something constructive done too.