Trying to get below 200 by Christmas....



  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Bump, I'd love to pop on just to see everyone's progress! Anything is possible. Getting through the holidays is hard, but I know you can do it!
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    I am right there with you too!! 22lbs to go for me to be at 200 but am more than willing willing to try. Definitely need and willing to give support :)
  • histwinkletoes
    histwinkletoes Posts: 100 Member
    Same here. I have 19 pounds to go!
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    I've got a good 15 or so to go to 200. My goal is Halloween. I might be pushing my luck, but I'll be giving it hell.
  • Same here. I struggle to lose weight. I am hovering just about 200. Would love to see 199 by 12/25!
  • I'm in it with you! I also have 35 pounds to loose! =) Good luck!
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I would love, love, love to be below 200 by Christmas but that is going to be tough for me, I would have to average close to 4 pounds a week til then :( I will try to get as close to it as possible. Good luck to all of you!
  • Me too...I have 39 lbs. to lose but I think I finally have a plan that works. Last week I saw a 3.7 lb. drop before I was only seeing about 0.5 lbs at a time.
  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    Me too, I am with you! Down to 214 from 260. I am so close, I can taste it lol
  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    Me too...I have 39 lbs. to lose but I think I finally have a plan that works. Last week I saw a 3.7 lb. drop before I was only seeing about 0.5 lbs at a time.

    I would love to hear more about your plan, please.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    I really want to get below 200 before my birthday (November 28), but if I can't make that goal I will definitely be shooting for one-derland by Christmas! I am with you!

    Here in Indiana we have our weight listed on our driver's license. Mine expires on my birthday, and I would like to be able to honestly list a weight on my license that starts with a one - for the first time ever!!

    I wish you all much success. We can do this!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Hey thats my goal - you cant have it !
  • Tha tis not too hard to accomplish. I would tell you give up meat and rice until then which is not the easiest thing to do. But it works. Give up meat and fill your diet with other proteins like beans, fish and nuts. And also. do some working out. I guarantee you byt the end of November, you should reach your goal because it works.
  • Really. On your drivers license. I would not like that too much.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    Really. On your drivers license. I would not like that too much.

    I know, right? I think it's silly that some states require it and others don't. They are rarely accurate anyway. Right now mine says I weigh 250 lbs, but it also said that when my weight was 388 pounds. I never changed it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I already had a goal of hitting ONE-derland by the end of the year, but Christmas will work too. just need to lose 16.1 more pounds to get there. WE CAN DO IT!!
  • bobnstuf
    bobnstuf Posts: 12 Member
    Need to lose another 26 lbs to get to 200. My personal goal was to get to ONE-der land by December 31, so pushing it up a week is within the realm of possibility...sign me up, I'm in....feel free to add me as a friend for support
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I really want to get below 200 before my birthday (November 28), but if I can't make that goal I will definitely be shooting for one-derland by Christmas! I am with you!

    Here in Indiana we have our weight listed on our driver's license. Mine expires on my birthday, and I would like to be able to honestly list a weight on my license that starts with a one - for the first time ever!!

    I wish you all much success. We can do this!

    In IL we have our weights on the DL too and I remember fudging the number when asked. Mine expires 4/13, I really hope to be at my ulitmate goal weight by then
  • alittlemopo
    alittlemopo Posts: 91 Member
    This is actually a doable goal for me I think...I am going to try to do this too! I am at 223 currently and have really picked up work outs...lets see how this goes!

    That is exactly where I am!! and we have been tinkering with Insanity, with an official start date of next Friday, so I think I can make onederland by Christmas!!!
  • alynnhanek
    alynnhanek Posts: 2 Member
    This is all I want for Christmas this year!!! :smile: