What's up?

Today was good and I'm hoping tomorrow and every other day will be just as good. I'm excited and feeling motivated, just hoping it sticks :) Add me?


  • missykaye1975
    You go girl!! It's nice to be able to tell someone when you're feeling on top of the world! I guarantee you won't feel that way EVERY day, whether you have a bad workout day, miss your workout, or eat more than planned--life happens!!--but the important thing is to remember your days like today, get back up and start over the VERY NEXT DAY....and the next thing you know, you'll have more great days (and friends) come along to keep you going! Consistency is the key! :wink:
  • eastsidelove
    Mhm! Thank you for the inspiration :) I'm gonna need it. But day 3 and things are still running smooth. I'm having fun cooking and working out sooo hopefully I continue to enjoy it. Shouldn't get too boring though, there's lots of options.