Swimming Question???!!!

So im kinda just a beginner when it comes to working out and I find that when I go to the gym I get tired really quick (and im talking 5 minutes walking on the treadmill) so then I get discouraged and end up not wanting to go back. So i'm wondering if anyone knows if it would be a good idea to start swimming to burn fat and calories? Does it work? I recently went swimming for the first time in a while on vacation and really enjoyed it. Obviously ill swim even if it isnt a good exercise but I dont want to start putting off the gym to swim and find out its doing nothing for me. Haha. Thanks in advance!

Oh and btw I am 198 pounds and literally do barely any exercise before now so is this a good way to start?


  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I am a swimmer . swimming is exelent exercise to be in shape but only if you noe it professionally and do it intense . not everyone who can swim has a perfect body.
    The best choise I think is to reduce your weight by jogging and airobic activity . it burns fat sooner than swimming.
    and when you loose enoughfat you can think about swimming or gym
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Check out some Youtube videos about proper form and breathing techniques. According to the swimming bitty (74 year old woman who swims a mile every day), once you get those things down it's quite easy and excellent exercise.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    What I do with swimming is swim on days I'm tired and don't want to exercise.

    I love swimming, but its not as fat burning as other things. But if I am tired/sore then swimming gets me doing something rather than nothing.

    So swimming is great for you, but like said above, won't lose weight as fast with swimming.

    For a weight loss plan, I'd swim, but not focus on it. Do lots of different things. But if you enjoy swimming you should swim! Just mix it up with less desireable cardio (like running is for me).

    If you are not in great shape, mix up things like an elliptical, jogging (or walking), biking and swimming.
  • taniaandmichael
    taniaandmichael Posts: 38 Member
    I swim during the summer, and I love it. It is by far my favorite exercise, and I have seen results from swimming. Do anything that gets you moving.
  • I used to be on the swim team in high school, but I never made it to varsity.

    As a beginner, you might find all workouts a little bet exhausting in the beginning. If your body is not familiar with the force that is being put on it, then your body is going to react.

    I do not know what speed you are trying on the treadmill, but you should always (ALWAYS) warm up before you do any exercise, and it should involve light cardio. For example, you could walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes (I walk at 3.5 mph, but you could do 3 mph). After your body and your muscles have been warmed up, you should stretch to make sure you do not get injured during the remainder of your workout. If you skip this step, then you may end up hurting yourself, and that would further discourage you from returning to the gym. After you stretch, move on to your workout. Finish off with some light cardio to cool down.

    With that said, the same thing applies to swimming. You should warm up, stretch, do your main workout, and cool down.

    The great thing about swimming is: the workout is easier on your joints. Some people complain about running because of the force it puts on the knees or hips. There are a variety of things you can do in the pool to get a great workout. You can swim freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly... you can swim with a kick board or hand paddles... you can do sprints or you can swim at your own pace. Just make sure that you are doing the swim properly and that you are taking breathes on the odd intervals.

    If you want to make swimming your main workout, then make sure you integrate some out-of-the-water strength training and cardio. Otherwise, you will not be challenging your body enough, and you will not make progress.

    Also, make sure you have all the equipment you need: one-piece athletic swimsuit (one that is tight but comfortable), goggles (good ones that keep the water out and fit right on your face), and a swim cap (otherwise, your hair will get in your face and it will make your swim uncomfortable). Optionally, you could get your own kick board, fins, or hand paddles, which help focus on strengthening your legs and your arms (when used correctly and not lazily).
    I hope this helps!
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm so just beginning to be more active again--after taking too much of the summer off--but here's by two cents: I think you would be in good shape just trying to add variety and do different things in the gym. I went to an orientation at my gym (which if they have at your gym, I'd recommend--it gave me lots of ideas) and the trainer recommended doing 10 mins on each machine until your worked up to the time you wanted to spend -- 10 mins on treadmill, 10 on stair climber, 10 on the bikes (and there are some fun bike option) -- 10 mins on the rowing machine. I have yet to really do this, but I think it would be a great way to try different things and get more comfortable with the different machines. Go at your own pace.

    As to swimming, I think it depends on what kind of swimming you do. I used to swim competitively through 9th grade (was never that good) -- so when I try to swim now--IT"S HARD. I get winded just swimming a length of the pool of freestyle/front crawl and have to stop and breathe. And I'm sore when I'm done.

    So even though it doesn't burn as much calories, I do think it would be a great activity to add variety to your work out. Just walking or jogging in the shallow water could be something. I'm rambling! Hope you find what works for you!:)
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    Your endurance and speed will pick up, just keep at it!!! :drinker:
  • HelloImKelsey
    HelloImKelsey Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys! I think I'll try to do 2-3 cardio workouts at the gym each week and maybe 2 swim workouts to make sure I'm getting some variety. I'll also be doing strength training in there of course. Thanks again!
  • KalenaFitness
    KalenaFitness Posts: 1 Member
    I used to swim for a class in college and I lost a LOT of weight and leaned out. Every other evening, I jumped rope and did some stairs as my endurance got better. I'm starting again and I'm also making swimming my main workout of the week.

    The wonderful thing about swimming is that it doesn't get boring! Switch up your strokes, try drills, etc. And, if you're like me and have over 100lbs to lose, it's so wonderful on your joints.

    Good luck! I'll be cheering you on!