Weight loss in college

I'm in need for some advice on loosing weight while in college. Back at home over the summer I was doing a good job loosing weight, 1 lb consistently every week but since I got here my weight just stayed the same. I know it's probably because I don't work out as often as I used to but my schedule is super tight this semester. Any advice??? Thanks in advance!


  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    I am in college too (getting my associate's) and the best help I've found is to schedule my workouts. I also have two kids, a husband, and I'm pretty busy otherwise so scheduling is just what I do now, lol. If I KNOW that I am going to work out on a certain day, it's a lot easier for me to not stress about if I will get a workout in or not.

    As far as food, try to plan in advance as well. Believe me, I know it's not easy grocery shopping on a college student's budget (my husband and I are both students; he is more than full time plus has a part time job working for his parents) but try to do it a few days ahead of time. Plan your meals and if you have time, and the room, cook them in advance.

    I try to pack myself a snack and a lunch before class so I'm not tempted to go grab something quick to eat. I also use a refillable water bottle, mostly so I won't have to buy bottled water (I don't drink anything else anyway).

    Good luck and try not to stress out!! :)
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Pack your lunches. I buy a huge jug of Nancy's plain fat- free yogurt and drain the liquid from it before each use. This makes it pretty much greek yogurt for a fraction of the price. I measure out a cup of yogurt for breakfast and a cup for lunch and add splenda. I add a cup of frozen blueberries (or frozen fruits you like) in each container. I get to school at 8 and by noon the yogurt is still cold. I usually pack oranges in my backpack, purse and car for snacking. I also keep low-fat granola bars if I feel I really want something sweet. I drink a lot of coffee in the morning so I started using 40 calorie vanilla almond milk for creamer and splenda to sweeten it. For dinner eat a lot of low fat protien like chicken breast. Frozen veggies are pretty cheap and easy. Pack a water bottle and drink from it often. It will help you to feel full and is good for your brain. Work out. There is no excuse. If I can find an hour, you can too! :) Doing this I lost 40 lbs while in college.
  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    Great tips you guys, thanks!