
I had abdominal surgery two weeks ago and am only aloud to walk for exercise. I'm fitting in about 3-4 sessions on the treadmill per week. It's great and all, but I'm used to high intensity workouts 6 days per week and now I'm down to 3-4 walks. I know I need to heal and give my body time to recoup, but I can't help but feel so frustrated that I can't do more and that my body needs more rest than normal! Sorry everyone I just had to complain a little and I knew that if anyone would understand this that MFPs would :) any words of support or encouragment are welcome...I could sure use some tonight! Thanks for listening!


  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    everyone has a right to have a little venting time every so often...I read this and feel for you....great work on the weight loss though..you look fantastic
  • My mom is one of those people who can not sit still after surgeries. The doctors have repeatedly told her over the years that a body can't heal properly if its exerting energy on both moving around being active and trying to fix itself. I know its super frustrating but try to follow the drs orders and be patient. Also maybe try to take up a craft project if you don't already, it could help take your mind off of feeling like you aren't doing enough.
  • You will bounce back in no time! your doing great and like I said before- dont push too hard! If you push too hard your recovery time will prolong. I know its tough, but so are you! Now smile because your going to feel a thousand times better than prior to the surgery :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Having had 3 c-sections, and having to wait 10 weeks after each before being allowed to exercise (not to mention deluding myself into actually believing that I would have energy to exercise with one more new baby after only 10 weeks), I know where you're coming from. However, you MUST rest so you don't tear anything.

  • Maybe you could find some ways to distract yourself from being so inactive. As someone mentioned earlier, you could take up a craft project. You could also read a book or catch up on some movies at home. Maybe you could spend some time going to a nearby park and just sitting, enjoying the scenery. Maybe you could work on a puzzle, or you could always be a girly-girl and play with your hair or makeup. You could groom your nails. Maybe you could invite some friends over to hang out with you while you rest, and make it a game night.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I completely understand how you feel.

    Pre-pregnancy, I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 and progressing nicely. Since the pregnancy started, no more lifting, and I can barely walk without getting totally exhausted. It's so frustrating.

    Just remember, this is temporary. It will only last for a few weeks at best. Try to find something else to pacify your time so you don't dwell on what you can't do.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Gripe, gripe gripe.


    Let yourself heal and then get back to what you enjoy doing.

    Short term annoyances are far better than long term problems.
  • ellieranc
    ellieranc Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats on your wonderful weight loss! Please do yourself a huge favor and do NOT overdo it. Sure, your incision may be healing perfectly, you may feel good, but believe me, you are still healing internally and you do not want to end up with adhesions/scar tissue. Overdoing it now could cause you problems down the road. I know it's frustrating, but hang in there. This, too, shall pass.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hang in there Bailey BooBoo. :flowerforyou: Flower for you. Soon you will be all healed. And can move around without risk of hurting the incision. Take it slow until your healed, and your endurance is built up again. I feel your pain. And I still feel it. I had a horse accident' August 2009. And all my right posterior ribs and collarbone were broken, and lung punctured. And I was in a chair for 8 weeks. Then I was getting up 1/2 hr at a time, then I would rest. Then I could go 45 mins to a hour.. Then I could lift a coffee pot again with my right hand/arm. Then I could lift my arm, and take a shower lifting my arm up. Then I had to go back to work :ohwell: , and could only last 1/2 days at first. I guess what Im trying to say is, you may have to be patient while you get stronger, and can do all the same things, that you used to do. But the difference will be, you actually built up some inner strength and will while you had to rest. You are exercising your will muscle. You will get better, and may be way more determined as a result. Sounds like your starting to get around thou.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. You are all right and know I need to rest I definitely don't want to injure myself or hinder my healing process. I just hate feeling useless and I'm worried about losing progress on my weight loss and losing the muscle I've worked so hard to build.
  • MrsWW57
    MrsWW57 Posts: 35 Member
    I can understand your concern. I'm having bunion surgery at the end of November and I'm also worried about not being able to get around very well for awhile. Not to mention the fact that I will be bored. I'm going to have to take up a hobby like knitting or crochetting so I can keep my hands busy & away from food.


    Who knew that I could be off of work for four weeks?