Scared of post weight loss skin?

I'm 19 years old and I've been heavy my entire life. I'm starting to get this anxiety that once I lose all this weight, I'm going to have unsightly flabby skin. ): Is there anything I can do to help with skin shrink normally and be tight? I don't mind it being a little flabby, I just don't want to have something that shows through my clothes.

Any suggestions?


  • anna473
    anna473 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm scared about loose skin too. I think it's key to exercise and thus improve muscle tone and blood flow etc. I also follow the advice given for post baby bodies; moisturise and massage. Other than that I cross my fingers!
  • yesi42402
    yesi42402 Posts: 10 Member
    My fears too. I think maybe just try not to lose weight too fast so your skin can catch up with the fat loss if that makes any sense. I think weight training might also help. Muscle gets bigger and takes up the space of the extra skin.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Have had the same fear and I wouldn't consider myself to the point where I would end up with excess skin like crazy.... but you never know.... I think that's what stopped me from continuing on my path of destruction once I hit 182 lbs.... I didn't want to end up losing weight only to be left with nasty loose skin....
  • ymmasbear
    ymmasbear Posts: 7 Member
    I've been concerned about this too.. I think alot of it has to do with genetics unfortunately. (My skin is not very elastic aparently, because i have a ton of stretch marks...)

    However, A few tips I have researched and heard of are: Loose weight slowly.. no more than 1 or 2lbs per week. Drink LOTS of water. Stay hydrated. Your body when dehydrated will pull moisture from skin.. Exfoliate your skin daily. (Skin brush, salts, etc) Alternate between hot and cold water in the shower to make skin "work" Moisturize after your shower. Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients. (take a multi-vitamin perhaps.)

    Hope these help. Good luck.
  • malicent
    Omg, I haven't even thought about this for a while. Not since I joined this site. Uhh.. if anyone knows the answer can you please message me about it?? Maybe surgery? Like get it cut off?? Has anyone done that? Are they called 'tummy tucks'? LOL. I WANT A TUMMY TUCK THEN!!! HOW MUCH? WAT DO??
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I'm 19 years old and I've been heavy my entire life. I'm starting to get this anxiety that once I lose all this weight, I'm going to have unsightly flabby skin. ): Is there anything I can do to help with skin shrink normally and be tight? I don't mind it being a little flabby, I just don't want to have something that shows through my clothes.

    Any suggestions?

    hi! you are very young and your skin has tons of elasticity(insert spell check here) yet..unlike us older folks :p
    as your weightloss will be nice and slow and consistant, your skin *should* tighten up a bit as well as you go along.
    dont go crazy on ab exercises but "some" might not hurt as you go along.

    I lost 75 lbs my first time around and i had very little loose skin...nothing extremely noticable :) It folded very softly (if that makes sense) and was only noticable to me when i was sitting...

    Best of luck to you :)
  • miss_grad
    I'm pretty much stuck with my flabby-skin in some places. Though, it's a work in progress.

    I lost about 100lbs at one point (Started at over 200ls, lost over 65lbs "the right way", and then lost rest due to an unanticipated illness). I was at a little below 110lbs, and had a ton of sagging skin due to the rapid weight-loss. It was mortifying.

    Since filling out again and gaining weight, some of that has gone away.

    I'd recommend strength-training to build muscle for anyone, as well as investing in some cocoa butter. Strength training began to help me tone up my arms, and get rid of the underarm-sag.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    You are 19, and age is on your side. If you lose the weight at a healthy rate, which is 1 to 2 lbs a week, your skin should adjust along with your weight loss. I've been reading up on this as much as I can find time and sites, as I'm no longer young, but at 5' 3.25", and in my middle 40s, starting this journey at 207lbs, I was worried about having volumes of excess skin. I've dropped just over half what I hope to lose and so far, so good. I drink as much water as I can each day, some days better than others. I moisturize right after a shower, and exfoliate with a bath scrubbie every other shower. I can't complain.

    I wish you the best of luck and much success in your journey.
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    Exercise and toning is seriously key!! plenty of people on here lose 100+ lbs and look amazing and tone because they simply added physical activity to their life. i was 232 last year and lost 70lbs and went to the gym 3-4 times a week and i was fine. my friend through the last couple years has lost 200 lbs and she runs mainly and she has a little bit of skin around he belly button area but nothing you could notice unless she showed you. she looks fine.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I've been concerned about this too.. I think alot of it has to do with genetics unfortunately. (My skin is not very elastic aparently, because i have a ton of stretch marks...)

    However, A few tips I have researched and heard of are: Loose weight slowly.. no more than 1 or 2lbs per week. Drink LOTS of water. Stay hydrated. Your body when dehydrated will pull moisture from skin.. Exfoliate your skin daily. (Skin brush, salts, etc) Alternate between hot and cold water in the shower to make skin "work" Moisturize after your shower. Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients. (take a multi-vitamin perhaps.)

    Hope these help. Good luck.

    notable key points here :)))

    1. loose weight slowly
    2. drink lots of water
    3.take vitamins

    awesome suggestions :)
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Omg! OP you are just 19! I dont think you need to worry about loose skin.Just make sure you are losing weight at a decent rate not really fast.Also moisturize your under arms,thighs,tummy and chest with a cream daily.And most importantly plz do weight train cuz the more muscles u have..the more toned and tight you would look.And dont forget taking 1 g/per pound of protein accord to your lean body mass too.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    looks like there is alot of same suggestions for you here :) take note and keep going stress free...yay!!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I lost a lot of weight very quickly and am stuck with flabby skin on my arms and stomach. I feel that if I work out those muscles I will tighten up that skin a little. But I will take some flabby skin over weighing over 300 lbs. It's pretty much hidden under my clothes and I only see it when I am undressed. You are young and shouldn't have any problems with your skin being loose. Just lose the weight slowly and exercise regularly.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I've been concerned about this too.. I think alot of it has to do with genetics unfortunately. (My skin is not very elastic aparently, because i have a ton of stretch marks...)

    However, A few tips I have researched and heard of are: Loose weight slowly.. no more than 1 or 2lbs per week. Drink LOTS of water. Stay hydrated. Your body when dehydrated will pull moisture from skin.. Exfoliate your skin daily. (Skin brush, salts, etc) Alternate between hot and cold water in the shower to make skin "work" Moisturize after your shower. Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients. (take a multi-vitamin perhaps.)

    Hope these help. Good luck.

    I like these suggestions. :flowerforyou:
  • chakdeindia
    All my weight so far has disappeared from round my shoulders and the skin has got a little flabby on my arms. I don't really want bingo wings at 23 so every day (when I remember) I get two 400g cans of beans or something and use them as weights for about 15 minutes. It's working.
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    I was 190 at the start and though its not loose skin I have stretch marks on my thighs (my biggest problem area) even after being half way to my goal - hoping they go on their own
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    I'm sooo scared of that that I think it's part of the reason why I gained so much weight back after my 100 lb loss to start! (Starting weight was 365lb, so you can see why I'd be scared of that!)

    My aunt (who is one of the wealthy people in our family) said if I could lose the weight, manage to tone as much as possible, if there was extra skin, she's pay for the surgery, although that thought scares the hell outta me even more! I hope that being 22 and having elasticy skin will help it go back to "normal".....
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    Love your suggestions and have heard a few of them before, but this should be a post in itself in the forum for helpful hints! Will be saving this information for sure... :wink:
    I've been concerned about this too.. I think alot of it has to do with genetics unfortunately. (My skin is not very elastic aparently, because i have a ton of stretch marks...)

    However, A few tips I have researched and heard of are: Loose weight slowly.. no more than 1 or 2lbs per week. Drink LOTS of water. Stay hydrated. Your body when dehydrated will pull moisture from skin.. Exfoliate your skin daily. (Skin brush, salts, etc) Alternate between hot and cold water in the shower to make skin "work" Moisturize after your shower. Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients. (take a multi-vitamin perhaps.)

    Hope these help. Good luck.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    If you're doing a mixture of strength and cardio you should be right :-) definitely make sure you're doing your weights! Muscle burns fat :-)
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    But I will take some flabby skin over weighing over 300 lbs.

    This. I am over 40, and I have loose skin all over. But I am SO MUCH HAPPIER now.