Hi All,

I want to add some strength training to my life (I guess, that's what builds muscle, right?), but there is SO MUCH INFORMATION and so many opinions out there, I am feeling super overwhelmed.

The plus side is that I have access to a really well equipped gym in my apt. building, so I have access to weights and machines, but the machines are intimidating, and I feel like a toddler playing with big kid toys when I pick up the weights.

Can someone PLEASE give me SIMPLE muscle building instructions?

EDIT: My only limitations are ignorance/intimidation, AND a bum left knee.

Thanks so much, everybody!


  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    If you are focused on weight loss but also want to add in weights for toning and to maintain muscle whilst you loose then any sort of weights are fine. Buy some home dumbells or use the machines at the gym.

    Building muscle is different, you will need to be eating more calories and be lifting heavy.

    In general start small and work up the weights so you dont harm yourself. And do what personally works for you.

    The lighter the weights then do more reps.Lifting heavy is the best