How Much Did I Burn???

I'm new to this site (heyyyyy) and I just wanted to say that it is SOOO WONDERFUL to have stumbled upon it!!! I began Power90 (not X) and I wasn't sure of how much I would have burned. So, I searched on AHA website and they gave me a I chose the lesser...but BEHOLD, on the exercise diary, it calculates it for you based on ur body weight!!!! PERFECT :-) instead of underhanding my work to 400 cal. burned, they calculated 700!! whhewww...way to burn!!!!


  • tractor
    tractor Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, this site is pretty awesome! Its my new fav. app on my iphone. Im thinking of starting p90 soon too. I dont think I can handle p90x yet. You should look into a heart rate monitor if you want a better reading of exactly how many calories youre burning. I got mine from craigslist for $35, a savings of over 75$. I even wear it shoveling snow just to see how many cal. I burn. Keep up the good work.

  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Good job! I also recommend a HRM. It's amazing to see how many calories you burn doing normal activities like house work, lawn work, and daily errands! Congrats again!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Just a reminder with an HRM, as you lose weight, make sure you make the adjustment in the settings. Unfortunately, the most we lose, the less we burn :sad: But HRM are fun.