cheeky sod thinks i need to starve!

so i explained to a friend how i was happy to be losing about 1lb a week even though it was the longer road i feel its best for me to learn a new lifestyle and stay healthy in the long run.
her reply was to tell me that the only way i could lose the amount i want to lose (50lb) was to do 2-3 fasting days a week where i literally would only drink water for 24hrs!!! WTF! thanks but no thanks!


  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    Yea, don't do that! I started my weight loss journey in earnest about 3 weeks and have lost 8 pounds by eating healthy (after guidance from super helpful folks on this site). All I can say is to continue to lose one pound a week and you'll be happier and feel better :)
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    ask him where he got his degree in nutrition and physiology, and if he says he doesn't have one, tell him he's not qualified to say what you *have to* do in order to lose weight...

    I think advice like this comes from the beliefs that people tell themselves... they've convinced themselves that it's the only way they can lose weight, so when they see you planning to do something that's easier than what they're doing, rather than realising that they themselves could be getting better results without torturing themselves, they tell you that you're wrong...
  • Keep on the healthy track! It may be a longer road ahead of you but in the long run rumor has it :smile: you are more likely to keep the weight off versus someone who "starves" their body.
    I am by no means an expert. However, seeing others around me do a liquid diet or fasting just to see a loss on the scale was not healthy. Some have quickly gained back a good portion of the weight they had los.
    You do what is healthy and right for you!
  • Until someone proves me wrong... I see NO reason to fast. All it is gonna do is make you really grumpy and hungry. It is way better to learn a new healthy lifestyle!
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    Keep on the healthy track! It may be a longer road ahead of you but in the long run rumor has it :smile: you are more likely to keep the weight off versus someone who "starves" their body.
    I am by no means an expert. However, seeing others around me do a liquid diet or fasting just to see a loss on the scale was not healthy. Some have quickly gained back a good portion of the weight they had los.
    You do what is healthy and right for you!

    I was just thinking that last night when I had a friend over for a visit and he said he did 3 weeks of the "liquid diet" meaning the Whey Protien mixes and that was it....He said he lost a ton of weight, but I can't help but wonder how fast he'll gain it back when he stops running and weight lifting in the future...
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Oh please!! Too many people out there think they're experts on things they know nothing about. I dropped from 220 to 120 pounds and never fasted. In fact I ate very well. I just changed to healthier foods, exercised more and kept calories in deficit most of the time. Pay no mind to people who jump into your biz like that. They just want to sound important to themselves.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    Actually the method she mentioned is a valid way of losing weight for some people on this site.

    If you eat at maintenance for, say, 4 days a week, and fast for three days (where you may eat the occasional apple/fruit and and drink green tea and water, depends on the individual), you can create the same calorific deficit as someone eating 1600cals a day for the whole week.

    Some dieters love fasting, they find it energises them, or makes them feel good. IF (intermittent fasting) is another method of fasting for the majority of the day and then eating your calories within, say, an 8 hour window.

    Your colleague was wrong to say that its the only way to lose weight, but I think its wrong to say that fasting is starving yourself. Starvation is not eating enough calories for your body to the point of ill health. With fasting you eat a sensible amount - its just juggling with how you eat it :)

    Edited for typos.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Uh... yeah, that sounds like my personal hell. Keep doing what you're doing, she's just jealous that you've set actual goals for yourself and are happy. People are so weird about other people being happy... smh
  • october 1st will be one year for me and i am down 68 pounds. i didn't find this site at first but am glad i did! i am not hungry either, i eat about 1200 calories a day and drink lots of water. if you lose too fast you will get wrinkles too. tone and moderation, i do water jogging for exercise because that's what i like to do. take your time, you didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. be healthy and happy! all the best to you!

  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Until someone proves me wrong... I see NO reason to fast. All it is gonna do is make you really grumpy and hungry. It is way better to learn a new healthy lifestyle!
    i am soo grumpy when hungry. she wasn't suggesting legitimate fasting of eating a little i.e. 500 calories or so but literally only drinking water for 24hours! i see no reason to punish myself in order to lose weight.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    just because someone finds a way to loose weight by not eating a few days out of the week doesn't make it healthy.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    There was a television programme where this fellah reckoned fasting 3 and a half days a month made his cholesterol normal and he lost a stone and his blood pressure was perfect - probably cancelled the national debt too. "Fasting" meant drinking only black tea and having 2 Cuppasoups (40 cals each) per day.

    Confusing thing is that a book that was recommended in one of the threads in here, "Then Just Stay Fat", says that "Starvation Mode" is a load of tosh.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I really believe that people tell themselves these things to justify staying fat. They think, "It's so hard. I'll have to do X (really hard to do, unhealthy thing) in order to lose weight so I might as well not even try."

    I think that intermittent fasting is a legitimate way to lose weight, however I wouldn't preach it to anyone and I wouldn't do it myself. It's definitely not the only way to lose weight either. That's a lot of hogwash!