
Dear friends,

I have lost my motivation... it's not only eating healthy that has been jeopardized, I have no motivation exercising either =/
Do you have any tips? I started in the beginning of november and was doing so well until the vacation.. it was OK then as well, but now when I am back from the holidays, I can't do anything =/

I would appreciate all help I can get.



  • MissMouse85
    MissMouse85 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi soomzy-

    Motivation and momentum are so hard to keep up with, especially if you feel like you've "lost it". I think you're taking steps in the right direction by asking for advice here ^_^.

    When I lose my motivation it's usually because I've managed to discourage myself somehow... I would recommend just starting small and working your way back to where you were. I know how you're feeling, because I'm in a downswing after the holidays, too. With exercise, tell yourself that you'll just do 5 minutes of an activity. This morning I got on an elliptical and said, "I just have to do a minute. That's it." One minute turned into 5, 5 into 10... so it snowballs, and you may find yourself back in the swing. Or you might just do one minute! ^_^ Either way, it's forward motion.

    Food can be harder to deal with when motivation is gone. Those are the days where I promise myself that, even if today isn't perfect, it doesn't derail all the hard work that I've done. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Everyone gets into a funk once in awhile, so just let yourself move through the downswing and you'll be on the other side before you know it!

    Good luck!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    When I get like that I set a goal for myself to pick up motivation again. Like I am going to buy something off my wishlist if I can workout all week. That will help me pick back up on the momentum.

    Good Luck.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Good Morning.

    I'm sorry to here you've lost your motivation. But I think at some point we all do. Keep your head up high.

    I've had the same funk at some point in 2009. I kept telling myself "Next week" or "I'll just work out tomorrow" and it ends up being a couple days later - or NONE at all. After vacation is hard, I know. And the holidays and the schedule during the season is even harder. Lucky, January through March aren't really anything special and here in PA, it's cold and horrible out. So this is my better time of the year to focus on myself.

    I agree with SkinnyGal85. I do the same thing. The days I'm not "feeling it", those are the days I force myself. I make sure I keep my gym bag in the car so I don't go home to get it and wind up sitting down in front of the tv. Even if it's 10 minutes on the treadmill - that's 10 minutes of getting my butt moving and my heart rate up. After those 10 minutes its like - "wow, I just did 10 minutes, what's 10 more?" Some days, it's only 10 and I'm tired. But I sleep better and the next day I feel better - and that's enough motivation for me. :happy:

    As for food: even if you have a bad day - the more guilt you give into is a big deterrence of everything you're working for. You had a bad day. You over indulged in your craving. Move on. Eat better at dinner or start over tomorrow. Holiday eating is hard. I love my mom's cooking, but this year I did it differently. I started with a salad or soup first. Then my veggies and lean meats before any mashed potatoes or bread. Eat slow - have a conversation at dinner, even with yourself if you have to. Sometimes talking to someone will distract you so you're not focused on your hunger. They say after 20 minutes during or after a meal, ask yourself - are you still hungry? If so, then have a small serving of something. If not, then walk away. Do the dishes, brush your teeth, chew gum but walk away.

    The littlest steps you take can impact you in a big way. Start small if you have to -eating and exercise. You'll get back into it. Just remember why you are doing this. Remember how good you feel once you've accomplished something - even if it's 10 minutes of walking outside or even cleaning the house.

    I hope some of this helps. I've hit the wall. And it's hard staying motivated. I wish you the best! Good luck to you. And remember, it's a new year! So it's a good excuse to just start over. :flowerforyou:
  • bushbaby21
    Get a motivation picture, someone you aspire to have to same body size/shape as, and someone you really would rather not look like. Put it somewhere you look everyday like your fridge or living room, and when you see it ask yourself, who would you rather look like and it really helps! Its been a massive help to me, I've lost over 2 stone in 18 months and notput it back on.

    Remember, there are no limits in life, just the ones you put there yourself.

    Hope this helps you!

    :-) x
  • soomzy
    soomzy Posts: 5
    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Although I still have no motivation, I feel that your tips are very good and will definitively try to use them for gaining my motivation back :)
