
I've been using MFP for a while but never did introduce myself. I'm a retired teacher, and I volunteer teaching computers to seniors. I'm active in my church, but I believe that going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in the garage makes you a car (thanks, Laura). I'm a Red Hatter, and I live in south Florida. Have 3 wonderful Grandkids. I hope to lose between 80 and 90 pounds. I swim almost every day, but I want to get started with walking more. Once it gets a little cooler here, I will start.:happy: :happy:


  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Welcome! I think the food log is my favorite thing on here. Oh and the recipe calculator. Makes me stop at 2 chocolate chip cookies instead of 10!!! LOL Sometimes being super invovled with ministries makes it hard to squeeze in the exercise. I schedule my workouts to fit with our busy ministry schedule. And, I've actually managed to use my running as a tool to raise funds for Rahab Ministries here in town. So, the Lord is blessing my attempts at fitness by blessing others! Super cool!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey.