am I doing it right?


I have started going to gym for the past 2 weeks, I walk briskly at 4mph and an inclination of 4-5 for abot 30-40 sometimes an hour, so I burn somewhere between 300-400 calories, and the I do 30 minutes of elliptical and I burn between 175-240 calories, and I take a hour of the group excercise depending which class like someday zumba,bodycombat or steps.

Am I doing it correct, or do I need to keep changing thinks for faster weight loss, I weigh 210 pounds , so I am not sure if I need toning with strength training, as I will need to shed the fat before toning the muscles.
please help me figure out the variations of excercises
thank you


  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    What you are doing is great but you do need to add weights in with it! or when you lose all of your weight you will not be toned, you would be more flabby....i am flabby bcuz i havent done weights and am starting weights on Monday.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Adding weights in now will benefit you. I have read that muscles will burn calories longer after a workout than strictly cardio. Alot of people don't like the idea of lifting weights until the fat is gone, because they don't want to look bigger. You'd have to lift an awful lot of weight daily to put on that much muscle. Plus, you'll feel stronger for your cardio workouts, and that's not a bad thing. I love lifting weights and how it makes me feel.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    No one puts on muscle in a calorie deficit. Everyone should lift.
  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224

    Am I doing it correct, or do I need to keep changing thinks for faster weight loss, I weigh 210 pounds , so I am not sure if I need toning with strength training, as I will need to shed the fat before toning the muscles.

    If your goal is to burn fat than your exercise should be done at a lower Heart rate (below 70% of max. Max is 220 -age). This is an area where it has been shown that you burn fat more rapidly than carbohydrates. Strength training will help tone you and help get the NSV's. If you goal is to get fit than of course Higher intensity is the way to go.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    No one puts on muscle in a calorie deficit. Everyone should lift.

  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at just over 200 lbs and I started lifting weights right away. It has taken almost 9 months to lose 31 lbs, but I know that I have lost more inches than pounds and I'd rather weigh more and be toned than less and still be flabby. I life weights 3x/week and do the fitness classes 2x/week. That is the only cardio I do. You can check my profile pics if you want to see what the progress looks like so far.
  • smaryamf
    smaryamf Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks a lot everyone for all your precious inputs:)