Vitamin question?

Does anyone know if you can become immune to your vitamins if you have been on them for awhile? I have heard about that with medication, just wasn't sure about vitamins? I have been on the for a long time and for some reason lately, I have just been feeling alot more run down and alot less energy then usual. I am sure it could be alot of things, but I just wanted to see what everone thought?


  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    No way. Chronic antibiotic use may become less effective over time because of an infection becoming more resistant to that antibiotic. Other types of medication may become less effective over time because of progression of your disease. Vitamins are physiologic, and would not become less effective over time. If you are actually sick when you start your vitamin treatment, say with anemia, you may get a tremendous boost initially as it corrects your anemia, and as your condition improves, you feels less of a boost, because you're not anemic anymore. (You may have to stop them for a while, until you become anemic again, to convince yourself they really help). Feeling run down / less energy can be related to all sorts of things - less exercise, poor diet over the holidays, any number of medical conditions, just plain old stress.