Making the Switch...

I reached my halfway mark last week and another three down today (my weigh-in day). Another 10, then to start thinking about how to transition from loss to maintain. Thinking I may go to 1.5 pound loss/week for awhile, then 1, then .5, then maintain. Right now, I am on 2 pound loss/week and some weeks it is 3 and others (usu at T.O.M.) it has been .4, so....we will see.

For those of you who are here now, or who have already begun this switch, how are you doing (or how did you do) it?


  • I am in exactly the same position. I have lost 50 lbs and I want to start slowing down the rate of weight loss. So I am seeing a nutritionalist next week to start reintroducing some foods and to ensure I do so without adding the weight back on. Send me a friend invite and I can share what I find out.
