How do you stick to it for more than a week?

Hi All

I have tried to do MFP loads of times and find it difficult to get past 1 or 2 weeks as i get bored.

How on earth do you keep it up - even with the temptations of tasty junk food....??

Work is the hardest as i work in an office and the depts "snack cupboard" is ALWAYS full up of junk/crisps/chocolate......



  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    Decide what's most important to you and go with that
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    Either you find the will to do it, or you just stay where you are.
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been at this for nearly two years. It takes dedication. And NEVER stop trying. I lost 76lbs in 8 months and have gained 30lbs back. But I never stop trying. I will NOT go back to where I was. I still have bad days. Heck, I have bad months. But I NEVER stop trying. You can do this. It's never going to be easy. It's always going to be a struggle. But some days, the further you go, the struggle will get easier and it will seem less hard. NEVER stop trying.
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    you have to have motivation and be determind.....if this is something you really want you will kind of retrain yourself.....don't get me wrong everyone slips up its just how you deal with that slip up....i dont have any junk food at work but we do have people bring us food....i just eat a good breakfast and eat a little bit all day long (i bring healthy food) so that way when i do get tempted it is not that if they brought it in and i was really hungry...yeah i would slip up...but i just keep myself full all day with fruit and veggies...i eat every 2 hours and stay at 1200 cals.....i know how good it feels to feel better about myself and that is my motivation....I have more energy and am a much happier person when i feel good about myself... out in the morning so you start your day off right....alot of times if i dont work out in the morning i will just say oh well i will try again tomorrow.....but if i work out i started it off right and it makes me to where i dont want to mess up....i hate working out and i surely dont want to work out for nothing :-)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You have to want it more than the junk food.

    I have been doing this for 675 days. It is not always easy but it is worth it.
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    I have a lot of fruit around, i make up fruit salads to pick at and i put diff fruit in it each time to keep it interesting, I've found loads of low carb recipes i'm trying to keep it interesting and I'm finding this time around that exercising daily is making me feel good and giving me incentive to go on. Also seeing the weight come off and my measurements going down is seriously good incentive to keep going! I'm on week 5 or 6 now?
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    Either you find the will to do it, or you just stay where you are.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    How many friends do you have on here? If you do not have many, I suggest adding some! I can't imagine MFP getting boring, I check this before I check my FB LOL But I have good friends on here and I enjoy seeing what they're up to. Also, sharing their successes with them is totally motivating!
    I would also suggest getting some healthy snacks if you ca keep them at work... Like dark chocolate squares to keep you from wanting to eat that chocolate, maybe some apple crisps (which are delicious and healthy and crispy!) to keep you from eating those chips... Being prepared is half the battle to resisting temptation!
    I think you should *really* try to stick with it for a few weeks... it takes 3 weeks for you to form new habits and make long lasting lifestyle changes. Give it a chance, make some good friends and I'm sure you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    First, this isn't something to do just "to lose weight". This is a lifestyle and education enlightenment. Don't beat yourself up for having a bad day here and there, stay on your plan of caloric intake(I've used MFP's based on my stats), fit in exercise a few days a week and keep it up. If you find yourself getting bored, mix in new things to do(ie, new fun recipes that are healthy, new workouts or activities). Most important, if you have a day where you get into that snack drawer, don't beat yourself up about it and give up, just start the next day a new! Good luck.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm more of the "how do you not stick with it" type. OCD tendencies, so I really stick with things. I just told myself that no matter what I eat I will be honest with myself and my journal. So even if I give in to bad food, I just log it. Often times, when I see that my calories are close to my goal, I avoid junk better because I don't want to log it lol
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Have your own snacks. Besides, it's a lifestyle. If you can't handle it, it's ok. But when you see your body change and you see how you feel when you KNOW you look good, then you'll see. There's a big difference between wearing clothes you like and wearing clothes that make you look good....
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    Take your own snacks to work. Get a buddy to help keep each other motivated - a real life one from the office, if possible, that is willing to start MFP too. Check each other's diaries and enjoy the victories along the way together.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you stick to it. If not, then you don't...
  • Clarissia_Nicole
    Clarissia_Nicole Posts: 79 Member
    I have been at this for nearly two years. It takes dedication. And NEVER stop trying. I lost 76lbs in 8 months and have gained 30lbs back. But I never stop trying. I will NOT go back to where I was. I still have bad days. Heck, I have bad months. But I NEVER stop trying. You can do this. It's never going to be easy. It's always going to be a struggle. But some days, the further you go, the struggle will get easier and it will seem less hard. NEVER stop trying.
    Exactly! We all have our moments of weakness. Sometimes it's eating one bad thing, a whole bad day, sometimes a week, sometimes even months. But if you're truly dedicated, you have to still move forward. Don't say "oh I messed up and ate a twinkie. i might as well eat the whole box now." that doesn't make sense. That's setting yourself up for failure. Realize that you momentarily gave into temptation, but that it wont happen again Eat a little lighter the rest of the day and that twinkie wont even matter in the long run.
  • LexRaven
    LexRaven Posts: 25 Member
    One of the biggest things that helped me "keep at it" was identifying reasons I was eating.

    Am I:

    Hungry (make a better choice)
    Bored (start knitting while watching tv)
    Thirsty (Some people eat when they are dehydrated, You have to drink water)
    Sad (Eating when sad is dangerous for you waistline)

    Once I started doing that junk food didn't hold the same sway it once did.

    Hope that helps.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    My work is one of those places where people always bring tons of treats to share.

    When I decided I want to be healthier and eat right, I decided I will only eat food I bring to work. I just ignore the other stuff.

    But Ii bring plenty of things that are healthy and fit with my new way of eating, so I can munch on something while everyone ls.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    You have to want it, plain and simple. Want it more than the treat in front of you. Want to be healthy again. Whatever you need to motivate you, find it and it will keep you here. For me, it was the energy to keep up with my kids. Found it, lost 65 pounds in 10 gaining some of it back with another pregnancy, but I will do it all over again, for the same reasons. :flowerforyou:
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    Hi All

    I have tried to do MFP loads of times and find it difficult to get past 1 or 2 weeks as i get bored.

    How on earth do you keep it up - even with the temptations of tasty junk food....??

    Work is the hardest as i work in an office and the depts "snack cupboard" is ALWAYS full up of junk/crisps/chocolate......


    I got really bored when I started using MFP because I had no friends on here...I started adding a bunch of random people and introduced myself. When I see people log on everyday, what exercises they do it motivates me to do something, and I get to look at what other people eat and try something new....Before I added a bunch of random people I didn't log on everyday, now I'm almost at 30 days in a row!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    It's a lifestyle change, and you have to be dedicated to it. And like what has been said before, what do you want more? To stay where you are now or to change your life forever?
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Mainly you have to want it, I know loads of people who want to lose weight but aren't motivated enough so constantly fail and beat themselves up over it. Decide if you want it, set a date to start, plan your meals a week in advance and only shop for those ingredients, also plan your exercise, take measurements and weigh on start day and then the success of your first week should keep you at it. It's all a matter of will power really.