Health issues and dieting?

Ok so this may get wordy. I am just feeling really down and out about what is going on with me, and the doctors seem to have no answer either. Not to mention my insurance has ran out. I know that we aren't doctors here, but I was hoping someone would have an asnwer or similar story to mine.

Right now, my biggest issue is body weakness (arms and legs). Sometimes I get this feeling like I can’t grip or hold items (more after exercise). I can't even do a push up. Also, if I don't eat every few hours or so, I get shaky, faint, and weak. I feel like if I don't eat as much as I can right away, I am going to pass out. <-- was tested for low blood sugar, came back 69 (70 is normal) so they didn't see it as a big deal. I went to zumba last night, and just wanted to leave because I couldn't hold my arms above my head or kick my legs up too high due to weakness.

I had an MRI of my cervical spine, which shoes posterior bulging discs (C3-4, C4-5, and C5-6) "causing mass effect on thecal sac?" It also shows reversal of cervical curvature? MRI of the lumbar spine shows unilateral right sided pars defect at L5 and resultant grade 1 anterolisthesis l5-s1. I don't even know what that means. Brain MRI came back normal.

I have carpal tunnel. I have a pinched nerve according to a nerve conduction study. I am assuming the pinched nerves are in my arms, causing the carpel tunnel? My most recent blood work show an ANA pattern of speckled, ana titer 1:40, and positive for ana screen, ifa? Glucose was low, but only a 69 (70-125 is normal). My cholesterol is also high (all three, cholesterol, hdl risk, and trig) One doctor also suggested I have anxiety, but I never took it into consideration because he said that after just looking at me.

Everything else came back normal. I am not diabetic. I don't have hypolgycemia. I don't know what is wrong. It makes it SO hard to diet and exercise. I feel the constant need to eat before I "faint" and I can't workout how I want because of the weakness. Somebody, anybody?! Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, I don't really get it either.


  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    ummm, how much are you eating?
  • almalaurathomas
    Right now I am at 1,200 calories a day, the minimum. But I only started counting calories last week. This has been occuring since the beginning of this year. :/
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Blood pressure ?
  • almalaurathomas
    My blood pressure has been within the normal range. I have always had a little lower blood pressure, but still within normal limits.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Just wondering if they did your blood glucose levels after a fast. I get symptoms simular when my blood sugars are low. Usually happens after exercise. I keep lollipops in my bag.

    Also curious to know why you don't know what any of your results mean? Did the doctors not explain? If not you need to go back and ask what exactly is going on.

    Hope things get better for you soon.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I would try eating a bit more (not sure what your BMR is, but definitely eat over that with those symptoms) and watch your macros to make sure you're getting good all round nutrition. If I drop down to the 1200 mfp sets for me I get shaky & tired. I'm still losing quite happily at 1700.....
  • almalaurathomas
    The doctors did explain everything to me, but in their terms, which I don't really understand. The MRis were done over a year ago, so I can't remember the details of what the results meant. The doctor didn't explain anything about the blood work results because nothing came back abnormal. I had to go in and ask for a copy of it. They did the glucose testing after a fast, two times. Both times, I came back as 69 ( a month apart).
    Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
  • almalaurathomas
    I am going to the store later and am going to get a blood pressure reading while I am there. It has been a while since I have checked it.
  • almalaurathomas
    I would try eating a bit more (not sure what your BMR is, but definitely eat over that with those symptoms) and watch your macros to make sure you're getting good all round nutrition. If I drop down to the 1200 mfp sets for me I get shaky & tired. I'm still losing quite happily at 1700.....

    BMR is 1,287 and TDEE is 1739? I'm not sure what that means either!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    The doctors did explain everything to me, but in their terms, which I don't really understant. The MRis were done over a year ago, so I can't remember the details of what the results meant. The doctor didn't explain anything about the blood work results because nothing came back abnormal. I had to go in and ask for a copy of it. They did the glucose testing after a fast, two times. Both times, I came back as 69 ( a month apart).
    Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

    Maybe it is just that you aren't eating quite enough, maybe up the calories by 100 each day and see if you feel better. And snack right before and after exercise to keep your blood sugar levels even. Hope you work something out!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    This sounds similar to something I've been dealing with called idiopathic postprandial syndrome. It's basically the symptoms of hypoglycemia without a low enough blood sugar reading to be classified as hypoglycemia. I didn't have any such symptoms before I started eating less trying to lose weight, so I know the symptoms are related. I found after some experimentation that I felt MUCH better after I cut out a lot of the processed carbs and upped my protein intake considerably. YMMV...
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I would try eating a bit more (not sure what your BMR is, but definitely eat over that with those symptoms) and watch your macros to make sure you're getting good all round nutrition. If I drop down to the 1200 mfp sets for me I get shaky & tired. I'm still losing quite happily at 1700.....

    BMR is 1,287 and TDEE is 1739? I'm not sure what that means either!

    BMR is the cals you burn if you stay in bed sleeping 24/7. You should always et more than that so your body has enough fuel to get on with keeping you alive and healthy

    TDEE is the number of cals you burn each day on average. You should at less than that to lose weight.

    In your case, I would suggest bumping straight up to 1350 per day, than probably increase incrementally up to about 1500 which is a much more reasonable number to ensure you get all your nutrients, yet still enough for you to be losing weight steadily (assuming that is your aim on mfp)
  • almalaurathomas
    This sounds similar to something I've been dealing with called idiopathic postprandial syndrome. It's basically the symptoms of hypoglycemia without a low enough blood sugar reading to be classified as hypoglycemia. I didn't have any such symptoms before I started eating less trying to lose weight, so I know the symptoms are related. I found after some experimentation that I felt MUCH better after I cut out a lot of the processed carbs and upped my protein intake considerably. YMMV...

    Normally, when I feel is happening, I stuff my face with as much sugary junk as I can to try to feel better! Now, I grab a banana and a fruit cup, something with sugar.
  • almalaurathomas
    I would try eating a bit more (not sure what your BMR is, but definitely eat over that with those symptoms) and watch your macros to make sure you're getting good all round nutrition. If I drop down to the 1200 mfp sets for me I get shaky & tired. I'm still losing quite happily at 1700.....

    BMR is 1,287 and TDEE is 1739? I'm not sure what that means either!

    BMR is the cals you burn if you stay in bed sleeping 24/7. You should always et more than that so your body has enough fuel to get on with keeping you alive and healthy

    TDEE is the number of cals you burn each day on average. You should at less than that to lose weight.

    In your case, I would suggest bumping straight up to 1350 per day, than probably increase incrementally up to about 1500 which is a much more reasonable number to ensure you get all your nutrients, yet still enough for you to be losing weight steadily (assuming that is your aim on mfp)

    Ok, I am going to try this! Thank you :)
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    BMR is the number you do not go below -i ts what your body needs if you were in a coma.
    TDEE is your BMR + your calories need for daily life + the calories you burn during your workouts.
    You should take a 15-20% cut from your TDEE so if your stated TDEE is calculated correctly to include all the exercise you do your target calories would be closer to 1400 - 1500.

    Workouts can drop your blood sugar levels especially if you are not eating enough.
    Also carpel tunnel will give you loss of strength in the effected hand.

    I looked at your diary - you need ot track your protein levels - a good target is 30-40% of your calories -you can set that on your goals page. Fat and carbs can flex as you prefer.
  • almalaurathomas
    Thank you! That is what I thought, that the carpel tunnel was making my hands weak. But I feel like it has spread all the way up my arm and into my legs as well. That's when I got confused, thinking maybe the bulging discs had something to do with it. But I have no idea at all.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    This may be a long shot but have you had your thyroid checked? Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia can also be attributed to thyroid problems. It's a simple blood test.

    In any event, I do hope you find out what's wrong and feel better soon. I know how it is to feel just plain awful all the time and not be able to know why. Like other people suggested, you might want to try to eat just a little more and see if that helps with your energy problems too.

    Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I looked at your diary, and on the days you have logged, I saw no fresh food. Only packaged, restaurant and microwavable meals. You are most likely malnourished. You have to eat a lot of packaged foods to meet your nutrient needs, and if you are eating only the packaged and microwavable stuff, your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs to get you through the day.

    For breakfast, have some Greek yogurt and fruit with your cheerios.

    For lunch, have a salad with some protein (hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken, canned tuna etc.).

    Add in some steamed veggies at dinner. Frozen will work just fine, too.

    As an evening snack enjoy some more fresh fruit and maybe a handful of almonds.
  • almalaurathomas
    I am looking at my bloodwork and it says for Thyroid- TSH is 2.36. Normal range is 0.34-4.82.
  • almalaurathomas
    I know, it's awful. I grew up on processed and ready to go food, so that is all I am used to. I am working on trying out new foods, seeing what I like and what I don't. I am a very picky eater, so I am trying to open up to new and healthy foods. I know you have to eat something several times before your taste buds will adjust to it, so I have been buying strawberries and broccolli here and there, just to get an idea if I might like it.