New at MFP! Motivation would help:]

Hi everyone! I just started using this yesterday and im praying it goals about 10-15 more lbs to lose! i used to weigh 200+ believe it or not and through the years ive lost over 50+lbs. Ive been going through things in life and now everythings finally looking up again so i want to start working on myself physically mentally and spiritually! I just needed some motivation from people and im not one bit ashamed or embarassed about sharing my story with everyone^-^ I'll be more than glad to help motivate and inspire others on their own journeys! God Bless :happy:


  • kimberlyaspen
    Wow, that's awesome that you've lost so much! :smile: This really does help to keep you accountable. A lot of times I want to just eat an entire bag of chips or something, but then I remember that I have to record it online, & I don't care to see that. xD Anyways, I added you!
  • racingchix
    racingchix Posts: 6 Member
    I added you! I love to motivate and help others in their goals! Good luck :smile:
  • mlynwyn
    mlynwyn Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you!! Yeh i definitely get those urges EVERYDAY to be havent completely changed my diet but yes through the years i did cut out ALOT of foods that gradually helped like sodas and fast food! I personally CANNOT cut out sweets though but i portioned everything i ate and slowly lost weight without desperatly killing myself1 If u ever need motivation im totally your girl!! :D
  • mlynwyn
    mlynwyn Posts: 40 Member
    @racingchix yay!! thanx!!
  • THINk_kkaybbyx0
    feel free to add me! i'm always here to offer constant support & encouragement!
  • superstarbaby16
    Hey, I just joined today!!!! I am so ready to get all this fat off me, I am at my highest weight ever, being 182 pounds and I am pretty short so I look even bigger than that. I need to lost weight for myself! I want to be active and everything!!!!