HELP!..... who wants to lose weight with me? (:

Hey there MFPs ,
My names Bekii and last year after joining this site i lost 32 pounds (approx. 15 kgs) working hard for that body.
I was the healthiest I've ever been until tragedy struck in my family and fighting other addictions, I turned to food for comfort instead.
Unfortunately this resulted in me being diagnosed with a binge eating disorder and I've gained 8 kgs! (I'm glad I have stopped here)

I'm working through the family stuff, but I'm really struggling getting back into the eating and exercising well again without going extremely out of balance ( injury or starvation etc) because my attitude towards how I look now is so negative.
I don't have a lot of support out of this website and I think what kept me going was you wonderful people cheering me on and me being able to motivate you too! But I feel I don't have the support that I used to as people have moved off this website.

It's not always easy, but if you have support it can be easier :)

Feel free to message or add me if you have a similar story or would just like some support
I'M HERE FOR YOU no matter how old you are, how much you weigh or how much you want to lose, I know how much support means :)

I'm determined to reach my goals and I know you can too!

I just need some support which I can reflect back to you! (:



  • cs821
    cs821 Posts: 48
    I'm here for you, we can do this together. :smile:
  • yeah were all here...

    (and just my 2 cents... you look cute)
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was anorexic in my teens but overcame that. I still struggle with body image issues; but am doing much better with. Part of that comes from helping others with their weight loss journey. I was over weight most of my life (especially as an adult). I finally lost 35 lbs at age 38 and kept it over for a little over 4 years. I gained 12 lbs back last year when we had a lot of changes - we became empty nesters, sold our house, I quit my job, we moved to another state, I got another job, we built a house, I changed jobs again....anyway; I'm almost back to my goal weight, but reaching that goal doesn't mean I'll suddenly disappear from MFP b/c I know I still need to watch what I eat and count calories or I'll be back where I started.....
  • It seems like we may have lots in common. I'll be here for you! We can do this!!!!
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    You must have been reading my mind. I have thought all day, trying to figure out how to approach this issue.

    I am a semi-retired, age 63, Nana of two beautiful grandchildren. I joined WW June 2008 and lost 46.8# in one year to make Lifetime July 2009. I held that for almost one year but like you had family tragedy. My brother passed away after a horrible motorcycle accident the same month I made my goal, my second sister almost died in December 2009, my husband passed away January 2010 & my eldest sister passed away May 2010. I took comfort in food and gained back 25#. I started MFP back about a year ago but have only managed to get 8# off & I keep yo-yoing with 2 or 3 # which really aggravates me with me. I get so frustrated because I know I can, I know how but I just haven't gotten the motivation & kept it to do this and I don't have the support system I had before. I even re-joined WW but have wasted 3 months money because I am only 2# down from where I started there. GRRR

    I quit (retired) my job May 2011 when it became too stressful & the boss and I were constantly fighting but found out retirement was not for me. I went back to work as an Elder Care in-home Caregiver but that is very stressful too so recently I jumped out and started cashiering at our large grocery store. I love it - meeting people, chatting & laughing and I still have one client I take care of each week.

    Together we can do this - it is for us and no one else.
  • i'm here for constant support & encouragement! feel free to add!
  • mammacoty
    mammacoty Posts: 45 Member
    I started MFP just after the first of the year, and was kicking *kitten*... lost almost 20 pounds, felt great.... Then my best friend died from cancer, and a couple months later my husband returned from a long term out of state job, which really threw off my routine. I use food for comfort, and I suspect that I may have an undiagnosed binge problem, that or just horrible self control or willpower. I tend to stop logging altogether when I'm having a food free for all. I need more friends to encourage and support me too. Most of my original friends aren't on here much any more. And I will comment on your posts too, because I know how good it feels to know you've got people there for you.
  • Nancyjcd
    Nancyjcd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just started with MFP on August 20th. I have convinced my brother and sister to get onto this site also. I also have a problem with binge eating and when stressed out turn to food. I have been dealing with health issues that limit my exercise and am just trying to walk more at work. I find that I get impatient with the slow loss of weight, but realize it took me years to gain the weight and it will take more than a month to lose it. So far I have lost 10 pounds and look forward to losing more.
    I will help support anyone that needs it during this journey. I have finally realized this is a life style change not a diet.
  • Good luck OP. It's good to see that you are making wise decision of changing yourself and your lifestyle, you will be amazed at the new you very soon
    I was in similar position to you not so long ago. I had eating disorder which gave rise to hypertension, high cholesterol and a whole range of other calamities, if this wasn't enough at the age of 16 ! (domestic dispute)

    Anyhow, to cut long story short.. I am 21 years old now with an average blood pressure of 93/63 and a heart rate of sub 45...
    I have dropped from roughly 220lbs to 150lbs @ a frame of 5'7.
    Be it strength training or cardio, love it . I suggest everyone to incorporate them in one way or the other.

    Key to weight loss: Caloric deficit , just stay away from too much of sugary food. Opt for complex carbs, dietary fat , fish oil, olive oil, flax seed oil... I could go on and on .. but you get the picture.
  • Thank you SO much to all of you who replied to this or sent me a message :) YOU ARE ALL AMAZING !
    I will be cheering you all on :)
