New to posting...

Hi everyone,

My name is Michelle and I am a 44 year old mother of two amazing adult children. I have always been a "big" girl, but for the last 9 months I have been using myfitnesspal and Kate Morgan to help me lose weight! So far, I have managed to shed 25 kilograms in that time, so I am pretty happy! I also completed the Adelaide City to Bay walk last weekend which was 12km and still managed to wander around the markets with my daughter, Brent, afterwards! I am a High School teacher with an amazing job! I love life and my family are everything to me, that is why I am here trying to shed these kilos, I want to be around for quite a bit longer yet!! If anyone has any tips about how to stay motivated when you hit a plateau (which I seem to have for the last 4 weeks!) I would love to hear them, or if you have any tips on how to get off the plateau, that would be great too!!!!

Shel :happy: