This is just NOT FAIR

I ran a half marathon this morning. I finished 2 minutes under my goal time!!

I've been eating everything but the kitchen sink trying to get my calories to a decent net (I'm still only around 600 now and it's 7pm!!)

And I've put on 4 pounds since yesterday.

My head is starting to hurt from the injustice of this situation.

When people run races, or have an exceptionally long/ strenuous workout, do you really try to get all the calories back in? Or just screw it for one day?

Some encouragement or advice would be great


  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I screw it for one day. It would have been impossible for me to get ALL the calories in to net a decent amount after my last half. In fact I fel quite sick after and didnt eat anything after but a rice cake with peanut butter and a salad.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Usually when people know they are doing a big race, they preload calories. The run itself probably killed your appetite for a few hours.

    You only gained "water weight" from the exercise.

    Relax, rest, plan ahead next time. You're fine. You may not need as many cals as you think, anyway.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Perhaps your muscles are retaining water, much like I know lifters muscles do from strength training, after this half marathon of yours. Even if the exercise didn't cause it, maybe your carb or sodium intake did. Surely you know by now that the number on the scale isn't everything, and that there is no way that those 4 lbs are fat, right? It isn't a sudden jump in muscle mass, either. There really isn't anything it can be, except for water.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    when i did mine, i did eat more before, but i just ate whatever i wanted after and didnt worry about "net" eat til your satisfied. one day wont put you in "starvation mode. and why are you getting on the scale? its just the weight of the food you ate.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I find that lots of activity kills my appetite and while I haven't done a half I am not at all surprised it's feeling that way. I wouldn't worry about today - one day isn't going to kill you. You might find you're hungrier over the next few days and that's ok :)

    As for the number on the scale - it's not real weight! Ignore it and try again in a few days. You know you didn't eat 14,000 extra calories since you last stepped on the scale so it's not fat gain.
  • Thanks for your replies everyone. All things I know, I just needed a reminder.

    Ah, if only my appetite was curbed. I was hungry as fck after and immediately went for lunch hahaa
  • I have noticed from watching fitness shows that when ur body plateaus u r either gaining lean muscle, or u r just stuck... try tweaking something ur either eating or doing. it might be something as simple as protien or veggie intake. im no pro but these r some suggestions i remember from watching those shows. i hope this helps!!! Good luck!!!
  • I drink tons of MIO and water... water before i eat anything and MIO with everything... my appetite is chilled because the MIO is a flavor, something that tells my brain that I am getting something good in my tummy and my brain. but I will admit there r times where i just want some cereal, so I eat the vanilla almond and pecan Special K. it really helps with my cravings.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    You absolutely did NOT gain 4 pounds of fat since yesterday while running a half marathon, promise.
    Your muscles are retaining water because of the stress / damage. Give it a week at most and you'll be back down to normal.
    Someone just recently posted this topic to our ultrarunning list, and people all reported gaining 5-10 pounds after long races, always, and then it would vanish away again.
  • i like your answer!!!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    After exercise like that your muscles will be swollen, retaining more water than usual. Also if you try to eat back all the calories the simple volume of food is likely much higher than you are used to. More volume means more food weight going through your stomach and intestines. if you're hungry but don't force yourself to eat just to get the calories back. B....drink more water than usual, both to replenish what you sweated out and to help flush the lactic acid from your muscles. C...give it at least 48 hours post race to let your body get back to normal before trying for a meaningful weigh in.
  • I did a whole marathon once... i think they renamed them snickers?
  • Hmmm....I doubt there is any way you gained 4 pounds since yesterday. I would check again tomorrow first thing when you get up and after you have used the restroom (if nessesary).
    Yesterday my scale told me that I gained 8 pounds. That is not so. It said I was my regular weight today (and that I really lost a pound). Scales can be really weird sometimes and our bodies are constantly changing.
  • Exercise makes your muscles retain water. Reweigh when you've fully recovered.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I don't eat them. It's too much. Congrats on the race!
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    Screw it for the day, that is my vote
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Don't sweat it. Give yourself a few days to recover, then get back on track.