Picking myself up

I have been struggling with this journey (on this account) since January of this year. Used to be when I fell off the wagon so to speak, I would delete my MFP account and start clean. In January I decided I wouldnt just delete it and disappear.

I have a huge issue with emotional eating. In July I pretty much fell off again. I went in to the doctor yesterday because I have been having issues with anxiety, anxiety attacks 3 times a week, and general anxiety all day long. I have gained all the weight back that I had lost, plus 5 pounds. Since July. I feel so ashamed, and scared about getting back on this journey.

I am looking for friends and supportive people who will not "disown" me if I fall off. I want people who are understanding of the struggle that is before all of us.


  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I won't disown you if you fall off the wagon so to speak but I might kick you in the backside to get you back on the right track. I unserstand anxiety and all that goes with it I was there too at different times of my life.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Basically my doctor told me that I meet the diagnosis criteria for 5 different anxiety disorders. I am waiting on my test results to be able to get medication, because at this point, I need to get it under control.

    Thank you :)

    And kicking me in the backside is totally okay.
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I won't disown you if you fall off the wagon so to speak but I might kick you in the backside to get you back on the right track. I unserstand anxiety and all that goes with it I was there too at different times of my life.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    You are right it does need to get under control. Because of my medical history I am very cautious of what I take but I have almost complete control of my anxiety now but at times I have the panic attacks. They are horrible and I feel for you. In time you will find ways to avoid the emotional eating.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    People who "disown" you or put you down when your in a tough spot in your life shouldn't surround you. You need people who are going to encourage you all the way. Even if you fall off the wagon we'll be here to help you up. Dust it off and keep moving forward. I hope they figure out a solution for your anxiety and I hope everything goes well for you because you deserve to be happy and healthy. Anything I can do to better support you let me know :) I would love to be in your support circle. You can overcome this and grow into the person you never thought you would be.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    You can add me too. I didn't delete my account., I just didn't post anymore. Emotional eating for me = binge eating, which I have done alot of lately. I haven't reacted very well to things lately. I lost over 110+ pounds and have put back on 30 or so. I just can't seem to get it together. No support, (recent divorce), and being a very private person, I don't share much with the people around me. I can relate in so many way. The more support you have the better.

  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I have been struggling with this journey (on this account) since January of this year. Used to be when I fell off the wagon so to speak, I would delete my MFP account and start clean. In January I decided I wouldnt just delete it and disappear.

    I have a huge issue with emotional eating. In July I pretty much fell off again. I went in to the doctor yesterday because I have been having issues with anxiety, anxiety attacks 3 times a week, and general anxiety all day long. I have gained all the weight back that I had lost, plus 5 pounds. Since July. I feel so ashamed, and scared about getting back on this journey.

    I am looking for friends and supportive people who will not "disown" me if I fall off. I want people who are understanding of the struggle that is before all of us.

    Feel free to add me, I'm 45 pounds down, and at least that much to go. Can I make a recommendation? Anxiety is very treatable, and I hope you were able to get medication from your doctor. However, please consider adding a therapist to this mix. My husband is a therapist and frequently says that anxiety problems are very easy to treat--if only people were willing to use therapists. Therapy and medication together give a fabulous success rate.

    I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but I was definitely having some anxiety problems a few years back. I started seeing a therapist for this, as well as for depression and is was great. I used a workbook called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. You can probably google the title.

    Welcome back :-) No disowning if you add me, I promise. I've had to re-start too many times myself to be in a position to judge anyone else.
  • I've been on my weight loss journey for about 4 months now, and support and friendship is so important! I kinda fell off the wagon recently, because I've hit a plateau, so I'm trying to get past it! I'm sorry that you're having trouble sticking with it, but I hope that we can be friends and keep each other not only on track but always motivated!!
  • Hi I joined MFP in late Dec 2011. I've had on going issuses with my weight most of my adult life and when things go wrong find myself binge eating. I have found being on MFP great because I make myself record what ever I eat for the day - good or bad. No one on this site has ever been negative when I go over cals for day, in fact just the opposite. I would love to support your journey on MFP. We all need friends to help us along the way.
  • I think it's amazing for you to come out with your anxiety and how it's linked to your eating habits. Some wouldn't do this. They would blame it on the outside world and not try to understand or change how they want to react to certain situations. You're doing great so far. I'll add you for all the motivation and support you need. Nobody is perfect and yea we all have days where we want to eat whatever we want for certain reasons. I know of a few emotional eaters in my family and you're right its a constant effort to work on it. If you help me on my journey, I'll be more than happy to help you with yours. You can do it!! Never give up! :happy:
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    People who "disown" you or put you down when your in a tough spot in your life shouldn't surround you. You need people who are going to encourage you all the way. Even if you fall off the wagon we'll be here to help you up. Dust it off and keep moving forward. I hope they figure out a solution for your anxiety and I hope everything goes well for you because you deserve to be happy and healthy. Anything I can do to better support you let me know :) I would love to be in your support circle. You can overcome this and grow into the person you never thought you would be.

    Thank you so much for your support and offer! I am determined to beat the anxiety, as I know its hindering me in all of my life :)
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    You can add me too. I didn't delete my account., I just didn't post anymore. Emotional eating for me = binge eating, which I have done alot of lately. I haven't reacted very well to things lately. I lost over 110+ pounds and have put back on 30 or so. I just can't seem to get it together. No support, (recent divorce), and being a very private person, I don't share much with the people around me. I can relate in so many way. The more support you have the better.


    I am sorry to hear about your divorce, but I know what you mean. I dont have a very good support structure around me aside from my husband, so its very hard for me to lean on someone when I need to.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I have been struggling with this journey (on this account) since January of this year. Used to be when I fell off the wagon so to speak, I would delete my MFP account and start clean. In January I decided I wouldnt just delete it and disappear.

    I have a huge issue with emotional eating. In July I pretty much fell off again. I went in to the doctor yesterday because I have been having issues with anxiety, anxiety attacks 3 times a week, and general anxiety all day long. I have gained all the weight back that I had lost, plus 5 pounds. Since July. I feel so ashamed, and scared about getting back on this journey.

    I am looking for friends and supportive people who will not "disown" me if I fall off. I want people who are understanding of the struggle that is before all of us.

    Feel free to add me, I'm 45 pounds down, and at least that much to go. Can I make a recommendation? Anxiety is very treatable, and I hope you were able to get medication from your doctor. However, please consider adding a therapist to this mix. My husband is a therapist and frequently says that anxiety problems are very easy to treat--if only people were willing to use therapists. Therapy and medication together give a fabulous success rate.

    I've never been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but I was definitely having some anxiety problems a few years back. I started seeing a therapist for this, as well as for depression and is was great. I used a workbook called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. You can probably google the title.

    Welcome back :-) No disowning if you add me, I promise. I've had to re-start too many times myself to be in a position to judge anyone else.

    Thank you. I will be starting the medication hopefully next week when my test results come back. I will also be seeing a psychologist once a month to tweak my medication and what not. I am also seeking out a counselor for weekly therapy to also help me. I was hoping that I would be able to find a support group but I havent yet.

    I am actually going to school to become an addictions counselor (at first) and eventually a family therapist. Thank you so much for your support!
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I've been on my weight loss journey for about 4 months now, and support and friendship is so important! I kinda fell off the wagon recently, because I've hit a plateau, so I'm trying to get past it! I'm sorry that you're having trouble sticking with it, but I hope that we can be friends and keep each other not only on track but always motivated!!

    I completely understand hitting a plateau and falling off! Thank you so much for the support and offer :)
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Hi I joined MFP in late Dec 2011. I've had on going issuses with my weight most of my adult life and when things go wrong find myself binge eating. I have found being on MFP great because I make myself record what ever I eat for the day - good or bad. No one on this site has ever been negative when I go over cals for day, in fact just the opposite. I would love to support your journey on MFP. We all need friends to help us along the way.

    Thats what I need to do, track no matter what!
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I think it's amazing for you to come out with your anxiety and how it's linked to your eating habits. Some wouldn't do this. They would blame it on the outside world and not try to understand or change how they want to react to certain situations. You're doing great so far. I'll add you for all the motivation and support you need. Nobody is perfect and yea we all have days where we want to eat whatever we want for certain reasons. I know of a few emotional eaters in my family and you're right its a constant effort to work on it. If you help me on my journey, I'll be more than happy to help you with yours. You can do it!! Never give up! :happy:

    I am going into the mental health field and in school right now. They teach us to always be introspective and figure out what our issues are, and what we have to do to improve ourselves. There is never a place you will get to that you do not have anything to work on and improve!
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    This is going to sound weird, but my daughter 13yrs old is having anxieties like I used to have, her school councelor recomended seeing the chiropractor that I go to for weightloss. I was shocked but since the first session she has had less and is going to be put on suppliments.

    I dont know but it might be something to think about if you dont wanna take meds. Not all chiroprators are the same. She checked me out for different reasons and I was shocked at all the things that it can heal the body of.
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Feel free to add me also! I have seriously fallen off too. This time last year I was down almost 50lbs and then some, and when I fell off I gave up, and one day I said, "you know what, no, no more of this!" I got my butt back up, and started doing what I had to. Its been slow going coming back, but I am an a food addict/emotional eater also, and I KNOW it can be done b/c I have done it before, and will do it again, and so can you! Don't delete your account, because you lose so much progress that can really motivate you in your time of need. Sometimes looking back at what you've achieved before can help you understand that you really CAN do this. it makes you say, I've done this before, I can do this again!
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a fellow anxiety sufferer. I've finally found a medication that helps me keep mine under control. There is hope so don't give up!!!
  • You can add me too please. I to suffer from anxiety attacks.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    This is going to sound weird, but my daughter 13yrs old is having anxieties like I used to have, her school councelor recomended seeing the chiropractor that I go to for weightloss. I was shocked but since the first session she has had less and is going to be put on suppliments.

    I dont know but it might be something to think about if you dont wanna take meds. Not all chiroprators are the same. She checked me out for different reasons and I was shocked at all the things that it can heal the body of.

    I go to a chiropractor because of a car accident I was in 8 years ago. I have always had anxiety issues, its a lasting effect of the abuse I suffered.