Where do I start?

edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I am new to this website. I am a mother of two little ones. My son who is 4 yrs and my daughter who is 20 mths. I am now ready for a change. I have been gaining ever since the "Freshman 15" well my was about 25lbs, then I got married (gained) then had babies and gained. So here I am 220lbs and not happy with the way I look or feel.


  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Welcome! The fact that you've taken a big step to start logging food is a big accomplishment! Just remember the weight didn't get put on overnight, so it won't go away overnight. Get involved with some of the groups here...they will help tremendously! Good Luck!!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Hi Tara,

    Welcome. I would say the first step would be to begin to log your food intake and see where that stands based on your goals. It is eye-opening to see the amount of calories that we are eating without even knowing.

    Another thing to do would be to browse the message board for topics that may help you. There is great info about nutrition, workouts, etc. from other members who have been (or are) in your situation.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Best of luck to you!!! we are currently right at the same place. I am 220 and 6 ft tall. I just want to get to 175....
    It def won't come off overnight.. This isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change.
    Make baby changes in things you can live with for the rest of your life!!!!!!

    God Bless
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome aboard and good luck on your weight loss journey ... YOU CAN DO IT
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to a great website.

    I would say start with small changes that lead to the big ones. Set yourself up for success rather than failure. I was just reading a good resolution is to cut 100 calories from each meal. That would be 300 calories a day so 11-12 days you would lose a pound. Then set up small exercise goals and gradually increase. If you start running don't go into saying a I am going to run a marathon rather work up to a mile and then 2 and then 3....if your goals seem unachievable going in you are more like to fail..

    Again welcome and good luck!
  • Hi, I'm new on here too. I'm loving it so far....this site is a no brainer. I love how it keeps track of everything for us. I too am in the 200's. I was tiny my whole life, even underweight at some points. Welcome and I hope you accomplish what you set out for. Happy 2010! A new year a new beginning!
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