Temptations from loved ones

How do we keep people (partner, family, friends.. hell, even co-workers!) from tempting us with food?
I have enough trouble eating healthy without temptations from others:

A friend with whom hanging out always involves treats / alcohol
A partner who has their own weight issues but isn't as committed
co-workers who pass sweets around the office

Help! My will power is so weak.
I feel like I just want to hide from the world...


  • pattyg1821
    yep been there done that. Just tell them straight out. You have to have the will to live without it or eat less of it.

    Its ok to have it every once in while but eventually you may give up on it all together.

    Example last week at work they were having some kind of chocolate party for our residents ,the staff that was serving the food was temping me and I knew they also had strawberries and bananas. I asked them for the fruit instead.

    I have even given up sodas as of 45 days ago. I sometimes want one but I say no look at the big picture ahead.

    Ask yourself how did you get fat in the first place? I can certainly answer and say that I had to many sodas or glasses of sweet tea a day.

    small tempatations can get you.

    I still eat out some but I don't worry to much because I am still learning to make small changes.

    So far cutting things like sodas and sweet tea out and not eating lots of junk food has helped me loose 15-17 pounds since July 25th.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I was thinking about that today actually. I have been setting goals lately and so when i was confronted today with making a choice to go home and eat a tuna sandwich or eat mcdonald's with my hubby i reminded myself of my goals and ate the tunafish. It can be really hard!
  • pattyg1821
    How do we keep people (partner, family, friends.. hell, even co-workers!) from tempting us with food?
    I have enough trouble eating healthy without temptations from others:

    A friend with whom hanging out always involves treats / alcohol
    A partner who has their own weight issues but isn't as committed
    co-workers who pass sweets around the office

    Help! My will power is so weak.
    I feel like I just want to hide from the world...

    You might want to consider using a ticker of some sort such as how much youve lost already- That might help you see the bigger picture to not want tooooooooooooooo many tempatations.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 558 Member
    It is so hard to get them to stop. You almost have to become rude, crude and cause scenes. People have a hard time changing the norm. We have to teach them something they really don't want to learn. It's no kind of easy. Good Luck. Keep posting.:smile:
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I find that just being low-key and saying a simple "no thanks" works best.

    And then, if they simply can't seem to take no for an answer, look them in the eye,smile winningly, and tell them you still love them even if you don't want a slice of cake. :)
  • sunnykt
    You know what's annoying.
    When they get angry at you FOR eating.
    I was having pumpkin soup while everyone else was having chocolate cake, but no, apparently I'm not allowed to eat healthy foods at the wrong time, even though I was starving and I hadn't had breakfast yet, only lunch.
    So I ended up having a piece of chocolate cake because I was still hungry and it was all "you shouldn't have eaten that soup. I knew you were only going to eat some cake anyway."
    If I hadn't had the soup, I would have eaten the whole cake.
    Humans get hungry.
    Don't tempt me to eat badly and then shoot me when I eat well.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I can sympathize with all of your issues.

    I'll start with how I deal with the hubby. I make menus and grocery lists. We follow the Menu. I try new recipes occasionally. I am also in charge of the shopping. Yes, junk foods get into my house, but not that often. I control what we eat, so he has no choice but to eat healthy most of the time. He's not nearly as committed as I am, because he doesn't have much to lose. But I told him when I started this that I would be planning meals (which is actually cheaper in the long run) and he said ok. I want my entire family to be healthy, not just me. He understands this and doesn't complain....much.

    Family members aren't as big of an issue for me, since I don't see them that often. When I do, it's usually for some sort of event anyways, so I've already resolved that it will be a high calorie day for me. I don't go overboard with it, but I know I may be over by the end of the day.

    Co workers are a difficult one for me. I work in Corrections, and alot of my coworkers have bad eating habits. And more than a couple are extremely overweight. They go out to fast food *ALOT*, and it's really difficult to not give in. I make sure to bring healthy foods to eat, most nights. If it's not healthy (like tonight's Domino's), then I make sure it at least fits into my calorie budget. Again, planning is a big thing when dealing with this. I make sure to bring more than enough, so I don't feel starved. And that usually means I'm not tempted to buy any junk. Does it happen? Sure. We do pot lucks every once in a while, and I try to bring something healthy, even if I'm the only one to eat it. That way, I have that option. I also space out my eating. Take tonight's Domino's Chicken Parmesan sandwich. It's not that big (nor healthy). But I'll take a couple of bites here and there. Enough to satisfy the hungry pains, but not enough to stuff myself. I started the night off with 2 hard boiled eggs, which will actually keeps me decently full for a while, so I don't have the urge to scarf down the sandwich. I'm on the second half of the sandwich now and will finish it before 6am.....but I will probably keeps eating it up until 6, just very, very slowly.....

    In reality, the entire working around "sabotaging" situations, is planning. People will try to sabotage you. They get jealous, or defensive, that you are having success. They want to bring you down to their sad, pathetic level. Or they are just so used to the "old" you that they are unsure how to change their habits to accommodate the new ways of doing things around you. Regardless, it is up to you how often you tell them no. Most people will get the hint fairly quickly. And if you are consistent in how you deal with people in these situations, you'll be alot better off.
  • rja0012
    rja0012 Posts: 5 Member
    I suggest you focus on strengthening your will power and less on your friends, family, and co-workers. Give yourself MORE reasons WHY it is important for you to stay on track. This will make saying no easier for you. Heck, when you have enough reasons to stay on course, your personality will shine while you explain to people the WHY. As a result, you will become an inspiration to your friends, family, and co-workers. They will be asking you "how you do it"

    How do I strengthen my will power you ask? Read a book or magazine on the latest and greatest topic THAT INTERESTS YOU! Watch YouTube videos, ask other successful people for help, or challenge yourself to do something different that you have never done before, but you believe will help you reach your goals. There will ALWAYS be those in your life that are always on a different path, so you must continue to education and strengthen yourself. Best of Luck!
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    How do we keep people (partner, family, friends.. hell, even co-workers!) from tempting us with food?
    I have enough trouble eating healthy without temptations from others:

    A friend with whom hanging out always involves treats / alcohol
    A partner who has their own weight issues but isn't as committed
    co-workers who pass sweets around the office

    Help! My will power is so weak.
    I feel like I just want to hide from the world...

    I also find it difficult. I have a partner who is fab cook. can eat what he likes(and he eats a lot) and he stays the same weight.I clear out my junk food,he buys more so there is temptation.How on earth do you sit next to someone eating cream cakes and sweets and crisps and big roast dinners without getting hungry. So now I get in the bath when he eats dinner. I also get some hard boiled sweets and suck one or two slowly..this keeps the craving at bay.it aint easy.plus people who don't have weight issues do not understand what its like.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    If you want people to take 'no' for an answer, you first need to learn to say 'no' to yourself. And mean it!

    Ask yourself, how bad do you want to lose weight and what are you willing to do? If you're liable to get hungry, make sure you bring appropriate snacks along.

    If someone offers you junk, say 'no thank you'. If they ask again, let them, but I don't think you owe them a 2nd response.
  • NinjaBeth90
    My work place is like that - they order in breakfast once a week and there's always and endless supply of biscuits and sweets in the office. God forbid i refuse them! you'd think i'd of just spat in their face or something. All because i said no thank you to a fried breakfast or a mountain of biscuits.

    My mum used to be be bad with this too, anytime i'd go round there she'd always offer treats and chocolates and milkshakes which contained more calories than the dinner i would eat that night. We had a talk and she understands not to do that anymore.
    Lol i wouldn't mind but my mum would always be the first to notice i was getting fat and suggest to lose some weight. Then when i do finally commit and i'm sticking to a plan that's working shes the first person offering junk food.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    I have this problem EVERY DAY my partner needs to eat 2800 calories a day to gain weight and need to eat 1650 to loose. I go to work and every day someone has brought in cookies, sweets etc. You just have to try and stay strong! Every time I want something I think to myself I will have a glass of water instead or just keep really busy by doing lots of work. I still get criticism though every time I eat something and someone doesn't think it is healthy yet they are eating cakes and chocolate! As long as you do what you need to do and perhaps give yourself a treat once a week so you don't crave it you will be fine!

    So I don't crave chocolate I eat 4 pieces of dark chocolate a day and that just keeps me on the right path its only 80 calories but I feel the satisfaction of feeling chocolate in me that I don't crave it! So my suggestion is drink lots of water and have a little tiny bit of what you like every day to keep those binging moments at bay!

    Good luck!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    1) no thanks
    2) If they keep insisting I mention what my doctor said and my diabetes. They always drop it after that.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    1) no thanks
    2) If they keep insisting I mention what my doctor said and my diabetes. They always drop it after that.

    love this! They can't keep pestering you if your health is at risk!
  • lockelamora88
    I know the feeling! My bf likes cooking and even though I give him strict instruction like "only 1 teaspoon of olive oil" or only 100g of this he always has taste as a priority!!

    I can't blame him because that's not good for our relationship, sometimes we just east seperate things and that way we're both happy then we have special dinners once a week or so.

    For work people, I think ull find that nearly every woman in your office doesn't want to be eating cakes and chocolate and biscuits. Maybe their guilt isn't as strong as yours or maybe they don't have that much weight to lose but most women have body hang Ups and know that treats aren't the answer, so ull find that your ability to say no and your unbending will we be very impressive to them and they'll probably start questioning their own will power.
    I find it easier to just have a blanket no for all work related treats and everyone respects me for it and they don't bother trying any more. It's much easier when you know you have a healthy snack waiting for you at whatever time...
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    At my old workplace, I used to sit behind the "cake desk" so there was always cakes, pizzas, biscuits, etc. It wasn't a cake desk if it was empty. Bring your own lunch, so that'll tempt you less to have any of the treats your colleagues are offering you. A polite "no thank you" helps too! Same goes for friends; if you're visiting them; offer to bring round some low calorie snacks and drinks. My friend and I always have green tea and popcorn when I visit her lol

    As someone posted, learn how to say no to yourself first, before saying it to others. You'll be thankful in the long run!
    Families can be even more difficult. My mum and I make dinner for the next 2/3 days so we're saving in our budget. It's really good practise and with home cooked dinners, you'll always know what goes into your food. However, on weekends, we have time to have more traditional (oily) foods, but have learnt to use alternative, healthier ingredients or just not have them altogether (it's hard work making traditional food!).
    We hardly have any family occasions, but when we do, it's every once in a blue moon. I think it's ok to have a little bit more than you usually do at family gatherings, parties, etc., just as long as you don't go overboard, and remember that you don't have these events every single day. For example, our next family gathering is in December, so that gives me plenty of time to practise saying no to them lol

    Also, if you can't keep away from the chocolates, (if it's available) buy mini, fun sized (I use the term "fun" very loosely), you'll actually find that in due time you would't want that mini bar of Twix and would rather have a bowl of fruits instead.

    I hope this helps and best of luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    It is so hard to get them to stop. You almost have to become rude, crude and cause scenes. People have a hard time changing the norm. We have to teach them something they really don't want to learn. It's no kind of easy. Good Luck. Keep posting.:smile:

    There is never a good time to be crude and rude...........especially in the work place. It can cause problems you really dont want. Unless you're a 12 year old child NO one can force you to join in on snacks or treats you dont want or shouldnt have for whatever reasons. A simple "NO" should be sufficient. Ive had to do the same thing at work over the years not just because Im eating healthy and creating a new me...........but because Im diabetic and refuse to eat most of the junk at office get togethers.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    It's never easy turning down something offered by others...be it family or friend. I just tell them Sorry I've started a new lifestyle and my meals and snacks are planned. I do appreciate the offer though...thanks. If they want to know more about my changes I'll share and even help anyone that wants to change theirs. I know it's not easy and sometimes you feel deprived but don't feel that way. Feel empowered that you stuck to your program and did what you need to do.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    I have learned to say "no". Because in society it is rude not to offer someone somthing that everyone else is having. So it is up to me to say "thank you but no thanks". I actually get compliments on my will power. We have to look at both sides of the coin as our co-workers may not of gotten on the weight loss bandwagon yet or just don't need to.

    As for your signifigant other explain to him/her how you feel. My husband has never been a good supporter of any diet I have been on but this last 8 months he has surprised me and been good. Do I make him do without.. NO. He has had some issues with it and one day I got upset not mad just upset and told him "you enjoy the changes in my body and energy levels well with out one you don't get the other so deal". He smiled and never said another word since.
  • Dormouse85
    If people insist, you could try saying "No thanks - I've already lost --- pounds in weight, and I don't want to sabotage that. But thank you for the offer"
    That way, they understand that there's a good reason for you to say No. They might also ask you how you did it, and get interested themselves...