Do people think your goal weight is too skinny?

I'm 5'9" tall, I weighed 251 when I started this new lifestyle and have lost right at 20lbs in 3 and half weeks. People have noticed (which makes me smile) and when they ask I tell them I am watching what I eat and exercising more. I always get the same question, in some form or another, "What is your goal weight?" when I tell them 180lbs I get the same response every time. "That's too skinny, you'll look bad being that skinny, you'll never make it." I usually try to smile at them and explain to them that it wasn't very long ago that I was 170lbs (and even then had a pudgy belly) and that medically I should be 170 at max. I usually get the "You're too big boned to be 170lbs." Are we as a society become so accustomed to people being fat that we think that being a "fit" weight is too skinny?

Ugh, ok I'm going to get off my soap box now.


  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    When you say your "medical" max is 170, are you refering to BMI, fat % or some other scale? If it's BMI, you may want to do a secondary evaluation - get your bodyfat percentage calculated. You said you had a pudgy belly at 170 - this may have been "skinny fat" where you were at an acceptable weight, but your fat was still high.

    I'd trust bodyfat % above BMI - I'm 340 lbs right now, and about 21-22% bodyfat (caliper measured). That means that if I just lose fat, I have about 30 lbs left. BMI says I should be much, much lower.

    Just saying that you may end up heavier than you expected (especially if you do weight training - you'll keep more muscle).
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Yes, I am speaking of BMI when I say medically. And I know it is not a one size fits all determination, hence the reason to put my goal weight at 180, I have more muscle now than I did when I weighed 170. And quite frankly maybe I just need to tell them I don't have a goal weight, just a goal, to NOT be fat, to turn heads in a good way when I pull my shirt off next year at the beach. I really don't care about the number the scale says, just so long as I don't have this gut hanging off of me. Thanks for your reply.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    My doctor says for my height I should be 175-190. I think he is nuts. Granted he is basing his opinon off of the BMI chart, which I believe is antiquated and doesn't account for frame size. I am 6'3 and have a large frame. I think 200-220 would be a better goal range for me.

    Oh and forgot to add, friends and family that see me everyday think I am at a good weight now. They are used to seeing me much bigger. When I tell them what I am shooting for they encourage and support me.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9 myself, and I weigh 149 currently.. and there is no way I am too skinny.

    When I started I was 180, and that to me, was too fat. Like you described, I had the pudgy belly, some fat rolls here and there and I was just not happy.

    Now that I've lost the weight, most people don't tell me I'm too skinny.. but I sort of think I am and am trying to not lose much more.
  • jackieretief
    Well the same here but its only because people have gotten use to us being on the biggish side. they cant visualize us being on the skinny side but hey we see that vision....wink wink. People can be both our motivators or de-motivators. They entitled to their opinion but at the end of the day its all about us,whats better and healthier for us. I am voting for u so keep up with the good work!!
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    Yes! When I tell people I still have 22lbs to go, they look at me like I'm crazy and I get all sort of remarks.

    My stats are:

    5'1" - Starting weight 205, current weight - 155.4

    Goal weight - 135

    Technically speaking 135 for my height is still considered quite overweight. My trainer agrees with my goal, but is pushing for END goal to be 125. I know I would be VERY comfortable at 135. I know looking at me now I don't look like I'm 155, but I've always carried my weight proportionately.
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    I am 5'9" with what is considered a medium to large frame. I started in the 180's and I want to get to 155. I have the same problem you have and I voiced it to MFP and they are so supportive. Get to weight that feels good to you. I've been 170 and I don't like my belly at that weight. At 160 I feel comfortable in a bikini. I no longer tell my people my goal weight or my current weight. I act like I don't know what my weight is and if they still bug me I say a higher weight than what I actually am. It's easier to make it seem like I don't weight myself. I just tell people I want to be healthy and that I try to eat right and I leave it at that. I'm currently 168.
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    I don't tell anyone my goal weight. I just tell them I will know when I get there :) I have really had more of a size goal in mind-I wanted to be a size 8. I can fit in that now, but I could easily stand to lose some more weight.

    I think folks get used to seeing us a certain size, so their brain needs to be retrained on how we should look.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    I don't tell people my goal weight. Truthfully, I tell them my goal is to remain upright and mobile as long as possible.
  • ALL THE TIME. I'm 22, and my parents freak out when I tell them I'd like to be at least 130. I'm 5'3 and my highest was 223. I'm now 160. I'm super tiny compared to what I was before, but I have so much to go. They're not used to seeing me this "small". It's quite annoying.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Unfortunately, I think you're right. My goal (& medical ideal) is around 130. Everyone says my face will look really bad at 130, since I don't have the traditional "fat girl face". When I am around 200, I have a very sharp jaw & good cheek bones, which leads them to think I will be shrunken in when go way lower than that.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    no dude is gonna look too skinny at 180 unless he is 9 feet tall

    when i was down to 166 i had some overweight people tell me i needed to gain weight
  • TeamNoExcuses
    My goal weight was too skinny before. I am 5"2" and 120 now but I wanted to be 105. I recently found a picture from 3 years ago that was me at 110 and I was borderline anorexic. That made me realize that I don't really need to lose weight. I just need to tone up.
  • vegg_head
    vegg_head Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'7" & here are my stats

    SW- 171 lbs
    CW- 145 lbs
    GW- 130 lbs
    UGW- 125 lbs

    At my height I don't want to be toned, or flabby at all... I want to be thin structure as model has (without being overly thin).
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Sometimes, but many people have lost all sense of what a normal weight is. I've read a few articles to that effect.

    In addition, if you know nothing about someone's weight and health history and their build, it's highly presumptuous to tell someone that they're aiming too low.

    And guess what, the only people who do that are overweight and apparently have a need to be "helpful" by projecting their issues on you. You never get a thin person (and I mean healthily thin) making silly comments.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I catch crap from my friend's all the time about it when I give them numbers. I just stopped giving them weight numbers and starting saying "I need to lose 1/2 an inch off my waist" or "I would like to be able to lift xyz pounds" or "I want to be able to run 5 miles". The second and third statements make sense to me because they are health based not weight based goals. However, somehow 1/2 and inch is okay by my friends too. It's really weird.

    Ignore them for now unless they have an MD or are physical fitness experts (certified trainers). Unless you have issues like passing out, trouble breathing, heart problems, headaches etc or are below the BMI then you're probably fine. Let people who are qualified to judge your health.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    yes, im 5'7 and 144lbs. id like to lose 9lbs more, if i dare tell anyone that i get this is a response "9lbs!!! from where?!!" really?...from anywhere i can, haha. i want muscle gain and fat loss, so even if i stay at this weight, but change my body comp itd be happy, but i think for the 'look' i want, id be too big. i think people see it like that because theyre used to seeing me bigger-like no less than 180lbs. i work the F out 5 days a weeks at least and im doing things right, this weight didnt come off in 1.5months, its taken 1.5yrs...meanwhile my friends do do F all and want to give me advice on how i should keep/care for my body. NOT.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    My goal weight was too skinny before. I am 5"2" and 120 now but I wanted to be 105. I recently found a picture from 3 years ago that was me at 110 and I was borderline anorexic. That made me realize that I don't really need to lose weight. I just need to tone up.

    People are different. I'm 5'2", my highest weight, caused by a medication, was 112, and 105 is still a fairly high weight for me. I consider it a gateway to becoming overweight. I'm 101.5 today and I don't look anorexic. In my 20s and 30s I weighed in the low- to mid-90s. I'm not trying to get back down that low, but I was not made to be 120 pounds.

    As I'm the only member of my family who is normal weight I know whereof I speak.
  • hbaby2
    hbaby2 Posts: 34 Member
    I would leave weight out of it! Besides, weight doesn't tell you much, specifically of you are weight training!

    I would say....I'm done when I can fit into a size 8....or whatever that may be. :)
  • hbaby2
    hbaby2 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh....I'm 5'8.5 and I'm currently 167. I weight train and I fit into my jeans way better then I did at 160! I just want to be a size 6-8 and wear short shorts next summer and then I would feel perfect!!!