I've got a cold...now what?



  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    I too am perplexed as why having a cold effects your healthy eating. This is a lifestyle change. I eat the same way regarless of how I feel. If anything you may eat less.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    And a few days of no exercise will not hurt you at all. Weightloss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    And a few days of no exercise will not hurt you at all. Weightloss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    Seriously? I thought it was 82% and 18%? Now I have to redo my whole regiment. UGH!!!

  • KeriW626
    Maybe some home made chicken soup, using chicken breast, buillion (I have dried stock) lots of veggies, such as carrots, celery, onion and garlic (garlic is good for a cold) My moms secret recipe for chicken noodle soup for sick people is a few Jalapenos. Also add long grain rice, I think it will be better for you than the pasta. You do need some carbs in there... unless you want to go all meat/veggie and crackers????
    oh and my favorite treat is apple spice HOT tea with honey. yummy. gets the snot running, which is always helpful.

    Good luck to everyone with a cold, my it die with you and not spread. May you get over it quickly. xxoo to all.
  • KeriW626
    Personally, I don't log my food when I'm sick.

    with all due respect, I would ignore this approach. A cold is not an excuse to stop or interrupt your plan.

    I agree, I log everything, unless im out of it mentally and forget (there is nothing I can do about that) If/when that happens I log the next day.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    To those who don't understand why eating habits might be different when someone has a cold: from my own perspective, when I'm ill, it's a lot harder to maintain a routine, because I constantly use a lot of energy in strategising and organising my life and staying on top of various chosen habits, and when I'm unwell, or even very tired, I lose quite a bit of energy, and I have to ration my energy just to function. In my case, I'm on the autism spectrum, so my brain simply doesn't automatically form habits the way others do - whatever lifestyle I choose, I have to constantly consciously maintain. Not everyone is on the autism spectrum, of course, but everyone's brains are a bit different, and I know I'm not the only one to have this difficulty.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Why would a cold be an excuse to eat whatever you want? Just eat the way you normally do, but cut back on the exercise as you won't have the energy you might normally have. It's just a cold.

  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    keep on play just keep your hydration up
  • jerendeb
    jerendeb Posts: 55 Member
    Two tips:

    If you are sick from the neck up, keep on working out. If it's below the neck, rest.

    If you are not vegetarian, the old tried & true fresh chicken soup with lots of garlic, ginger, onions, carrots, celery & potatoes. Cilantro if you like & a dash of red pepper. Make sure it's got lot's of broth. You can really fill up but because of the liquid you stay hydrated & full without being fattened up.

    If you are vegetarian, of course skip the chicken & do a rich veggie broth.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    eat well, youll heal faster :) soups are always good. def dont use this as an excuse; just make sure to rest.
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I've been pretty ill lately, cold and a few other things that have been going around school.
    If it was me and I was stuck in bed because I wasn't feeling well or didn't want to work out I would limit what I eat, so that I wasn't eating lots and doing little exercise. Just focus on getting better quickly, a few days of not being 100% healthy food wise is better in the long run than being ill for months on end because you don't just sit down and focus on getting better.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    you should just eat what u normally would eat... why would being sick make you eat more? seems like i lose my appetite when i'm sick
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    Whenever I come down with a cold (enough to make me stay home from work), I do more water (12 glasses once) and the homemade chicken noodle soup with ginger root. This helps clear my cold in less than two days! Nothing beats homemade soup, since Campbell's has too much sodium for my liking.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    Why would a cold be an excuse to eat whatever you want? Just eat the way you normally do, but cut back on the exercise as you won't have the energy you might normally have. It's just a cold.

    I agree 1000%.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Easy: Fever=no exercise
    No fever=no excuses

    with or without the fever, stick to your food plan!
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Soups, vitamins, tylenol, tea, and water. LIGHT exercise.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Google recipes for homemade chicken soup, and pack the vegetables in it (carrots, celery, onion). I use the rotisserie chicken already cooked from the deli to make my stock and everything. super easy, and I can do it even on a work night. it's healthy, low calorie (don't put noodles or rice in it), and it will help you feel better. Drink plenty of your favorite hot tea with honey, and find a cold medicine that works for you. Shouldn't derail your healthy eating at all. Feel better soon!!
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    you should just eat what u normally would eat... why would being sick make you eat more? seems like i lose my appetite when i'm sick
    Because not everyone is the same? I know! Crazy concept, right!?

    When I'm ill, I have an insatiable appetite. I don't slack on the exercise and activity but it seems I need to eat more to keep my energy levels up.