Nothing like a new decade to start off right

Well it's another new decade and I like to make the most of it. I've reached that crossroad in life where I need to take charge of my life in more ways than one, and one is focusing on my health.

On New Years 2000 I decided it was time to quit smoking after twenty five years and knowing what I was doing to my body. Well it's been ten years without a cigarette from three packs a day!

This new decade I decided it was time to undertake a new challenge. I know one thing about myself, once I make up my mind to do something, I generally follow through by pure stubborn determination, even if it kills me!

The best I have ever felt in my life was when my weight was between 180 lbs and 190 lbs. I'm 6'3" and use to be extremely active but over the last ten years my work has changed as well as the activities I once did. I spent most of my life surfing, windsurfing, skiing, skydiving and working hard physically. Now I play golf and you can't even walk, they make you drive a golf cart so not much exercise there.

Somehow, well not really somehow, it was a combination of liking beer, wine, sitting on my *kitten* all day in front of a computer along with all the other things we do that my weight shot up to 230lbs. It didn't help that all my friends said I looked fine and didn't look heavy so I figured nothing to worry about.

Recently I saw myself in the mirror which I never do, and said holy crap, where did that gut come from? I knew then and there I needed to get control of this and nip it in the bud right away. This happened right about the time I ran into an old girlfriend and she too had put on a few pounds since we last saw each other. So we both made a pact to shed twenty five pounds each for the next time we saw each other.

I went on the starvation diet and dropped 15 lbs. quick but have since learned it's not the healthiest choice. I hit that wall people talk about and wasn't dropping anymore weight even living on 300 - 500 calories a day. I really don't like eating and for the majority of my entire life only ate one meal every 24 hours. My metabolism is non existent and I'm never hungry so that's part of the problem.

I happened upon this website by accident when I found the app for my Iphone. I like that it's all very logical and makes perfect sense. According to my profile, I'm supposed to consume 1390 calories a day and I find this hard to do. I have to force myself to eat that much and usually come up short but I'm working hard to do this. I also started walking five miles every other day which burns around 350 calories and makes it worse because now I'm meant to eat even more to meet my daily requirements. I'm going to stick with this and see if I can lose the weight to get at my goal.

One thing I'm really discovering is the type of food we eat and how much it affects us. I've never been one for junk food, I dislike soda and most juices, and the burger joints. I've always enjoyed fresh fruits, vegetables, almost never ever eat red meat, (my weakness is Bertolli pasta microwave dinners) I love the taste but I guess it will put the weight on you. For the first time I read the nutrition information on the back of the bag. Yowzza!

I thought I was doing good eating fresh fruit bowls three times a week for dinner along with Triscuits, only to learn from this site that six of those triscuits are 120 calories, That's nuts! I could eat half a box and that's like 1,000 calories so no more triscuits for me.

Well I can see this won't be easy but I hope to make this a permanent lifestyle change for the rest of my life. I need this to be a good habit. I need to be obsessive compulsive about this which goes along with my type A personality. Thank you to whomever is responsible for this site. I've already turned on my employees to this site and anyone else I can share it with.

Good luck to everyone else out there in the same boat! Happy New Decade to Everyone!!!
