What are changes you've made?

I know there are probably a lot of topics about this already but I want to start a new one.

I know in the past I've given up on all of my diets, and even if I hadn't, once I achieved my goal i would have probably slowly but surely reverted back to old ways.

I've learned that it's all about making changes. Maybe not all at once, but the idea of "little changes for big weight loss" is something I absolutely agree with.

Tell me about your changes. Big or little. Maybe we can all get some new ideas.

-Water. More of it (I try for 3-4 bottles throughout the day..this is hard for me because I've never been a thirsty person)
-No soda, even diet, or juice. I have a coffee in the morning then only water after that.
-Changed how I take my coffee. I used to get toasted almond flavor, mocha, and extra cream. No sugar. That was bad.
Now, I do the regular serving of milk, and I plan to eventually switch to skim.
-Limit carbs, and when I do have them, they are WG. Carbs used to be a HUGE part of my diet. And they were never WG.
-Salad dressing. I love ranch, but now its a little bit of oil&vinegar, or oil&lemon
-Cut out sweets almost completely. I realized that the less I ate em, the less I craved em. Plus I think sweets break me out.
-Got a gym membership. My schedule only allows for 1 hr 3-4 days/ week, but it's better than what i was doing (which was nothing...well, maybe the occasional leg lift lol)
-various small healthy meals/snacks throughout the day vs 2-3 bigger heavier meals, and sometimes snacks too.
-More shopping the perimeter of the grocery store. Not saying I never go in the middle, but I try to not get the old crap I used to live off of. Basically more fruits+veggies, less poptarts&doritos. sigh... =(

What are things your doing? I need new changes!


  • pattyg1821
    stopped drinkig sodas (day 46) or no tea of any kind. Try to drink more water.
    Exercise now 6 days a week for about 1 hour. Compared to no exercise.
    Don't add sugar,milk or butter to my oatmeal. No added salt to anything. Eating more fruits and veggies.

    These small things have made all the difference.
  • Jennina033
    Jennina033 Posts: 7 Member
    I stop drinking soda, eating cookies, chips, and eating tasty kakes. There are hardly any trips to mcdonalds or any other fast food place. i research nutrition facts online now.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    For me it was eating breakfast and packing lunch for work. When I didnt I found I was really hungry at 10am and running to the chocolate machine at work, if then I didnt get time to go to the shop for a sandwich, I would again end up at the chocolate/crisp machine. If I am honest I was lazy and preferred the extra 10 minutes in bed than taking care of myself and making food

    Not only am I losing lb's now and feeling better for it but I am actually saving £'s too!
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    For me it was eating breakfast and packing lunch for work. When I didnt I found I was really hungry at 10am and running to the chocolate machine at work, if then I didnt get time to go to the shop for a sandwich, I would again end up at the chocolate/crisp machine. If I am honest I was lazy and preferred the extra 10 minutes in bed than taking care of myself and making food

    Not only am I losing lb's now and feeling better for it but I am actually saving £'s too!

    This is awesome. I really need to do this more. My daily salad bar lunch ends up costing me $10/day =/
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    All I mainly drink now is water, make home made smoothies. Dont have any desire for pepsi at all. That I am proud of.
    I went from 2% milk to skim, but found unsweetend almond milk.
    I now have internet radio so I can dance aerobics most all day to my fav 80s music, and enjoy my work out.
    I eat fruit and almond, cashews or rasins for snacks.
    I dont use butter on anything, I found I like corn on the cobb and baked potatoes with only italian seasoning.
    I never liked too many fast fast foods exept sub way, my husband craves them so that I have a difficlt time with. I read their calorie chart. Taco bell is the only one that has been ok on my goals.
    I gave up sweets and havent craved any yet.
    Going to be going to a gym, I cant wait for that since its small and I am acquainted with some of the people already so that helps.
    Some how my mind set is is strong, usually I am weak and give in dont know where it cane from, other than knowing this is what I really want and keeping the attitude that I will accomplish what I set out to do.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    For me it was eating breakfast and packing lunch for work. When I didnt I found I was really hungry at 10am and running to the chocolate machine at work, if then I didnt get time to go to the shop for a sandwich, I would again end up at the chocolate/crisp machine. If I am honest I was lazy and preferred the extra 10 minutes in bed than taking care of myself and making food

    Not only am I losing lb's now and feeling better for it but I am actually saving £'s too!

    This is awesome. I really need to do this more. My daily salad bar lunch ends up costing me $10/day =/

    Dont know what food/groceries cost in the US but $200 amonth for lunch at work seems a lot!

    If you spent half of that making it and taking it to work you would still have $100 each month to put to a new wardrobe when you get to your goal :-)
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    For me it was eating breakfast and packing lunch for work. When I didnt I found I was really hungry at 10am and running to the chocolate machine at work, if then I didnt get time to go to the shop for a sandwich, I would again end up at the chocolate/crisp machine. If I am honest I was lazy and preferred the extra 10 minutes in bed than taking care of myself and making food

    Not only am I losing lb's now and feeling better for it but I am actually saving £'s too!

    This is awesome. I really need to do this more. My daily salad bar lunch ends up costing me $10/day =/

    Dont know what food/groceries cost in the US but $200 amonth for lunch at work seems a lot!

    If you spent half of that making it and taking it to work you would still have $100 each month to put to a new wardrobe when you get to your goal :-)

    I know!! It's insane. I really need to work on that. I just feel like all the washing and chopping would be such a pain and just going to the salad bar and picking out all the stuff I want is so much easier. I usually go for iceberg AND romaine, shredded carrots, cut up celery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, a bit of cheese cubes and grilled sliced chicken. THEN I make myself a fruit cup since I'm too picky for the pre-made ones, and I get a plain greek yogurt. I feel like all that would be such a pain and I might not stay motivated =/ ="(
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    what's wrong with tea, please?
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Mine are three biggies...

    Water, water, water and more (you guessed it) water.

    Exercising four times a week minimum no excuses...this does not include already being active with the children.

    Last but not least, believe it or not...eat more! I had no idea how little I ate and that it was having such a bad effect on my body.

    That's it!
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    For me it was eating breakfast and packing lunch for work. When I didnt I found I was really hungry at 10am and running to the chocolate machine at work, if then I didnt get time to go to the shop for a sandwich, I would again end up at the chocolate/crisp machine. If I am honest I was lazy and preferred the extra 10 minutes in bed than taking care of myself and making food

    Not only am I losing lb's now and feeling better for it but I am actually saving £'s too!

    This is awesome. I really need to do this more. My daily salad bar lunch ends up costing me $10/day =/

    Dont know what food/groceries cost in the US but $200 amonth for lunch at work seems a lot!

    If you spent half of that making it and taking it to work you would still have $100 each month to put to a new wardrobe when you get to your goal :-)

    I know!! It's insane. I really need to work on that. I just feel like all the washing and chopping would be such a pain and just going to the salad bar and picking out all the stuff I want is so much easier. I usually go for iceberg AND romaine, shredded carrots, cut up celery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, a bit of cheese cubes and grilled sliced chicken. THEN I make myself a fruit cup since I'm too picky for the pre-made ones, and I get a plain greek yogurt. I feel like all that would be such a pain and I might not stay motivated =/ ="(

    I thought that but its amazing how quick and easy it gets once you get in the habit. I tend to do it when I am cooking my evening dinner, but if not it takes about 10 minutes in the morning.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    what's wrong with tea, please?

    Nothing in my eyes! I couldnt imagine life with out a good cuppa!
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    -- buy a set of measuring cups and spoons. 1=office, 1=home. use them all the time!
    -- stir-fry (using light brooth or water and seasoning) not oil for dinner meals.
    -- use chopsticks to eat stir fry meal, slows down your eating
    --only food i gave up was salad dressings. now all i use is flavored vinagers
    --ask pizza places to "double cut" pizza, so slices are smaller, order a large garden salad prior and take time eating that, thus much less pizza intake
    --mini fridge at work, bring in breakfast, lunch and snack items for the week.
    --slow down eating and actually enjoy all the tastes. you can taste more of the food with less in your mouth, thus slows down your eating
    --noting is off limits, but size is important for sure! if/when you splurge take time to slowly eat it and slowly enjoy (usually 1/2 the portion size if a big calorie splurge)
    --watch sodium intake, keep it low!
    --lots of water, if I get bored with water, add slice of fruit, mio mix, herb tea, use fizzy waters too
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    - Adding 30 to 45 minutes of excercise to my daily morning routine.
    - Making a salad for lunch most days. I've found that the extra munching time related to a big bowl of salad satisfies me more then a gone-in-2-minutes sandwich. Also, it makes sure that I don't consume massive amounts of calories in fancy sandwich toppings.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    -- buy a set of measuring cups and spoons. 1=office, 1=home. use them all the time!
    -- stir-fry (using light brooth or water and seasoning) not oil for dinner meals.
    -- use chopsticks to eat stir fry meal, slows down your eating
    --only food i gave up was salad dressings. now all i use is flavored vinagers
    --ask pizza places to "double cut" pizza, so slices are smaller, order a large garden salad prior and take time eating that, thus much less pizza intake
    --mini fridge at work, bring in breakfast, lunch and snack items for the week.
    --slow down eating and actually enjoy all the tastes. you can taste more of the food with less in your mouth, thus slows down your eating
    --noting is off limits, but size is important for sure! if/when you splurge take time to slowly eat it and slowly enjoy (usually 1/2 the portion size if a big calorie splurge)
    --watch sodium intake, keep it low!
    --lots of water, if I get bored with water, add slice of fruit, mio mix, herb tea, use fizzy waters too

  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    - Adding 30 to 45 minutes of excercise to my daily morning routine.
    - Making a salad for lunch most days. I've found that the extra munching time related to a big bowl of salad satisfies me more then a gone-in-2-minutes sandwich. Also, it makes sure that I don't consume massive amounts of calories in fancy sandwich toppings.

    So true about the sandwich thing! next thing you know its gone!
  • foremaar012
    - keeping a water bottle around at all times
    - working out 6x a week 30-60min
    - lots of veggies and salads
    - beans
    - cutting down on alcohol
    - eating out once a week ( instead of every day)

    so far its been going fairly well, I feel a lot healthier
  • XXbrendaXX
    Today marks 8 weeks that I have been using MFP, 8 weeks since I decided it was time to take control of my weight and my health. I am proud to say that I have lost 41 lbs so far! Changes...let's see....I QUIT EATING JUNK!!

    I am married with 2 teenage sons, and needless to say, I do all the cooking in our household. In my past attempts to lose weight, I would make changes to my snacks, keeping them healthy, but would still eat the meals I prepared for the family, but in tiny portions. I didn't work for me. I would lose weight, but end up feeling starved and deprived because I was never getting full, and eventually end up binging then quit completely, gaining back more weight than I lost.

    This time has been different. I realized I have to completely change my eating habits. I still prepare my families normal meals, but I make a separate meal for myself every evening. The extra time and effort is so worth it. You can eat so much eating healthy, good foods! I am never hungry! Sometimes I give in and have to have a taste (or two) of what I have prepared for them, but I always log the extra calories. And at least once or twice a week I get them to eat the healthy meals that I prepare for myself. I can't expect them to change their eating habits to match mine (they do not have weight issues), but it won't hurt them to eat a little healthier. :wink: I do still buy their favorite junk foods, which in the past was such a temptation to have in the house, but this time it really hasn't been. By counting calories, I know exactly how much that twinkie (etc) is going to cost me, and it isn't worth it! I keep plenty of healthy snacks in the house, and lately I have noticed my youngest reaching for them over the Little Debbies a few times himself!

    By cutting out the junk food, eating lean protein, vegetables and fruits, the weight is coming off easily (without being hungry)!! :happy:
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Today marks 8 weeks that I have been using MFP, 8 weeks since I decided it was time to take control of my weight and my health. I am proud to say that I have lost 41 lbs so far! Changes...let's see....I QUIT EATING JUNK!!

    I am married with 2 teenage sons, and needless to say, I do all the cooking in our household. In my past attempts to lose weight, I would make changes to my snacks, keeping them healthy, but would still eat the meals I prepared for the family, but in tiny portions. I didn't work for me. I would lose weight, but end up feeling starved and deprived because I was never getting full, and eventually end up binging then quit completely, gaining back more weight than I lost.

    This time has been different. I realized I have to completely change my eating habits. I still prepare my families normal meals, but I make a separate meal for myself every evening. The extra time and effort is so worth it. You can eat so much eating healthy, good foods! I am never hungry! Sometimes I give in and have to have a taste (or two) of what I have prepared for them, but I always log the extra calories. And at least once or twice a week I get them to eat the healthy meals that I prepare for myself. I can't expect them to change their eating habits to match mine (they do not have weight issues), but it won't hurt them to eat a little healthier. :wink: I do still buy their favorite junk foods, which in the past was such a temptation to have in the house, but this time it really hasn't been. By counting calories, I know exactly how much that twinkie (etc) is going to cost me, and it isn't worth it! I keep plenty of healthy snacks in the house, and lately I have noticed my youngest reaching for them over the Little Debbies a few times himself!

    By cutting out the junk food, eating lean protein, vegetables and fruits, the weight is coming off easily (without being hungry)!! :happy:

    Woooow =) Congratulations on your weight loss and all of your hard work!! That's so great. Your family must be SO proud. Keep it up!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I too have been awful at sticking with diets in the past. I decided I had to get serious because my doctor told me my blood pressure was awful and at 25, the last thing I want to do is be on medication for it with crazy side effects. I'm too young for that! And I still have plenty of time to get healthy. My biggest thing is tracking! I keep track of everything. And I plan my day out ahead of time too, so then I know when it gets to dinner (which is usually my biggest meal) how much I can afford to eat. I've cut out carbs a bunch too! But I still enjoy them from time to time, only in moderation now. Everything in moderation, honestly. Never thought about how much I was eating until I started logging it all. It's crazy what a difference that's made. Lots of water, lots of veggies and *trying* to cut back on alcohol. I feel a difference when I stick with my diet as opposed to the days I cheat. And my biggest thing was adjusting my eating schedule to my work schedule. Working thirds I was having huge meals right when I got home and then going to sleep. NO MORE!! I now have two snacks during my shift, then sleep, then have a decent sized meal with mostly proteins and veggies when I get up. Then I have time for housework, exercise, schoolwork, etc before my boyfriend gets home. And I'm even converting him to eat healthy with me by showing him recipes and not letting him see how I make it. It helps to have him on my team for this most definitely. Oh and also, keeping the snacks at home to only healthy ones. Whole grain sunchips, fiber one chocolate bars, skinny cow bars. I have a real sweet tooth, so plenty of low cal healthy sweets on hand at all times is making a HUGE difference.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Changes............Ive made a few

    I MOVE more...just move....

    I workout each night........well at least 5 outta 7.....20 to 40 minutes

    I use a lot of lemon juice (on vegies and baked potato (NO butter et al)

    I drink lots of water

    I eat lots of vegies and minimal fruit (Im diabetic---gotta watch the carbs)

    Keep a positive attitude and approach to everything

    Support others as much as possible.

    I quit smoking (about 9 months ago)

    I explore new food tastes and sensations

    Ive discovered new is not always better and old is not always icky (tastes change)

    Nothing is bad in moderation

    You cant succeed at anything if you dont try something

    A positive attitude goes a LONG ways if you just keep trying.

    What works for me may not work for you but would it hurt ya to try?

    Work is way over rated