Weight loss and birth control?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Has anyone here tried losing weight while on birth control? I have read that birth control pills make you gain weight- I am 2 months into my birth control and believe I have gained a slight bit of weight. Will this hinder my weight loss journey if I am exercising and eating right?

    I had a problem with Mirena. I never had one on the pill. I got my Mirena out a few weeks ago, when back on the pill and within two weeks, broke a more than a year-long plateau.

    However, everyone is different. The pill may affect your weight. It may not.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    im on two kinds of birth control the implant & the pill and ive lost 44lbs... so yeah it is a myth

    It is NOT a myth. It just doesn't affect everyone the same way.
  • Xtinaa22
    I've been on birth control for almost 6 years, and its possible to gain weight because birth control affects your hormones, etc, but it wouldnt be the primary factor for gaining weight...
    what are you eating?
    are you working out?
    are you more stressed?
    brand of birth control?
    these things play into affect as well. I don't believe i've gained weight from birth control, though.....if I've gained weight at all (since being on birth control), its probably from work stress and not staying on my healthy diet.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I was on Junel fe and I won't say that it made me gain weight but I have a very hard time losing weight. Why? I'm not sure. My Doctor switched me to Yaz and I have been losing weight at a decent pace. Maybe try different ones and see what works for you.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've been on birth control for almost 6 years, and its possible to gain weight because birth control affects your hormones, etc, but it wouldnt be the primary factor for gaining weight...
    what are you eating?
    are you working out?
    are you more stressed?
    brand of birth control?
    these things play into affect as well. I don't believe i've gained weight from birth control, though.....if I've gained weight at all (since being on birth control), its probably from work stress and not staying on my healthy diet.

    And, again, it affects everyone differently.

    I was exercising like crazy, eating VERY healthy and not overeating and GAINING WEIGHT specifically due to my birth control. I had it out three weeks ago and am down 3.4 pounds since, after not being able to lose and also gaining for three years after getting it put in. I haven't changed anything except my form of BC.

    Other people I know with the same form of BC had not problems at all. Others did.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I get the depo shot for over a year now, I've lost almost 40 lbs. No, it isn't impossible. Get that idea out of your head now and just get moving. :-)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have had many different kinds of birth control over the years. Some I didn't gain at all, one I gained 20 lbs in one month, one I had a small loss, most had a slight gain. The simple answer is maybe. Just do keep in mind if you have issues with one brand or formulation doesn't mean that you can't switch and have better luck on something else.

    *edited to add - you should give any one that you get about 3 months to see if the side effects even out once your body is used to it.
  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    no it really is... im not gona lie my appetite is through the roof and im constantly wanting to eat but if you have will power you will be fine
  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    no it really is... im not gona lie my appetite is through the roof and im constantly wanting to eat but if you have will power you will be fine

    also, i gained the majority of my weight because of birth control because of the increased appetite but aslong as you control yourself you will be fine:)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Sorry if i wasn't clear but why does *constant* birth control (ie - without placebo pills) cause weight gain?

    I would like to know this also!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm nearing the end of being back on the Pill for 2 months. I've easily been able to maintain my weight loss (190-147) for those 2 months.

    I don't believe the Pill makes you gain weight. It's your hormones that make you hungrier. If you learn to "eat to live" not "live to eat", the Pill shouldn't affect your weight.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    bump. (thanks for asking this question - i've been curious about going back on birth control. i used to be on yaz and never had trouble with weight gain... then again, it also made me very sick - like throwing up every morning after i took the pill the night before kind of sick. my friend gained quite a bit while on the ring... so i'm not considering that as an option for me.)