Any new older mom's out there?

robsgal Posts: 50 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I'm 37 have a three month old and a two year old...yikes. I need/am determined to loose 25-30lbs by my 20th class reunion in late July.

Any other older new mommy's out there trying to loose their baby weight? I don't think it's going to be as easy as it would be if I was a new mommy in my 20's.

I actually want to loose 40lbs but 25-30lbs will get me into my old clothes and right now that's what I want, I felt good in them. I'm 5'7" and weigh 188 as of today. I do great with the exercise part, but the eating always screws me up, I either eat too much or too little (like right now I need to eat something, I'm starving, I didn't eat enough after doing weights), I have a hard time finding the balance and right now have a hard time keeping track, thinking about it and planning ahead. I just hate journaling, even when it was me alone, now, well forget it, I'm as unorganized as ever!

Look forward to hearing from some of you!!!:bigsmile:


    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not a new mom but I did not start having children until I was 34 and then we had three of the in 4 years. My youngest is now 7. The year after he was born I got down to 163 and then let it creep back up to over 200. Life got very chaotic for after the youngest got mobile and I started taking better care of my family than I did myself. I now realize that if I want to be there for them I need to take care of me also. It is not easy finding time when they are little and as they get older it is just as hard so now is great time to get into routines...or try to. Welcome to MFP and I wish you well on your weight loss journey.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Sort of a new mom here. I'm also 37 and my youngest turns a year on the 9th! My oldest is turning 4 in March. I'm currently 158 lbs but was 148 when I got preggo and didn't want to be that! I'd ideally love to get to 135 but I'll settle for 140. It's so much harder to even lose a lb. having kids this late! Good luck to you!!!!!
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    I'm an older mom, but not so new that I can blame my son for my weight: I'm about to turn 41 at the end of the month and my son is 2 1/2.
  • CJeffs
    CJeffs Posts: 7

    I am a new Mom at age 38 my first. Had my little guy Peyton on December 4th. I just joined this site yesterday. I am determined to get back in shape. I had a lot of swelling during the pregnancy starting at my 6th month so my activity level was very low. I really do enjoy exercise. Right now I am experiencing a lot of back pain from the epidural so I am working on low impact exercise on the Wii Fit until I get the green light from my Doctor. To try to make up I am watching my calorie intake religiously and trying to stay away from too many carbohydrates. I woul love to meet some people that can relate.

    Take Care

  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    I just had a beautiful baby boy this past October,and I have two other boys 10 and 16(yikes-big gap there)
    I joined last August at 5 months preggers because I was starting to freak out about gaining weight...I started working out 6 days a week on the exercise bike and doing weights up until the week before baby was born. My son was 8 pounds,and I have only lost 20 so far :( I am nursing baby so I cannot really cut my calories down below 1800 so it is a struggle!!
    I just came back after 8 weeks post delivery and I am hoping to get back in shape soon!!!
  • Hi.
    I'm 36 and just had my baby girl in September. I am also trying to lose baby weight. I had some complications at the end of my pregnancy. Doc told me baby was not growing well. She was only 4lbs when I was 32 weeks preggers. So they put me on bed rest to help the baby grow until she was born. I used that as an excuse to eat a lot of calories sitting in bed. And of course no exercise. (When she said bed rest, she meant stay in bed 23 hours a day and just get up to go to the bathroom and that's it!). Baby still came early and small. But we're all healthy so that is something to be grateful for.
    Fast forward 3 months later... Getting throught the holidays was another excuse I used. Now, I'm out of excuses and it's time to get to work. I'm 133 and I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 110. I did it before, but I had a gym membership, and a trainer. Now that I'm a stay at home mom (gave up my job to stay home with baby) I can't afford a gym or trainer so I have to do it on my own.
    My plan: 1200 calories a day (I'm done breastfeeding) with little to no sugar. Circuit training at least 3 days a week. The Jillian Michaels workouts on ExcersiseTV are the best. Cardio 6 days a week. Santa brought me an elliptical for Xmas, so I'll do 30 minutes when I do a circuit workout and 60 mintues the days I don't.
    Even though it's hard, it's all worth it when I look at my little girl. So what if I have to burn off some fat. I have a beautiful baby and she's healthy. That's what matters most. It's nice to know there's other "older" moms out there going through the same thing. Good luck to you all!
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