Kathy Smith's Project: YOU

Hi everybody,

I know that it's an older program but, is anyone or has anyone done this program? If so, what kind of results did you get? I started last week and like that you are doing different exercises daily and the program changes monthly. Let me know your thoughts. Or, what else is everyone doing for exercise?



  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I have this program, I never used it as intended though. I like the workouts but I got the most use out of the Cd for power walking. this Cd got me from walking to power walking then I moved on to couch to 5 k. I haven't used the Dvds in a while but may do them again soon. I plan on getting a lot of use out of my Dvd collection when weather is too bad to go outside.