I'm a Newbie, but have a great tip to curb late-night hunger

My step-sister, who recently had Lap-Band surgery, gave me a great tip to curb late night hunger, especially after I've eaten all of my allotted calories for the day. Its simple: make a cup of hot decaffeinated tea. :drinker: She also instructed me to enjoy the process of making the tea (for example, heating the water in a tea kettle and/or letting the tea bag seep). Not only have I found this to relax me at night, but it also helps to give me that "full" feeling. I have to add a tiny bit of Splenda or Agave Nectar, only because I am a Texan, and have grown up drinking only sweet tea. I hope this works for anyone reading! If anyone else has any tips, I am all ears! I need all of the help I can get! :happy:


  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    i tried ur tips but unforunately for me it didnt work sorry to say so im open to any other tips people have here thanks anyway :flowerforyou:
  • babygurl65
    Bambi, I love the tea idea !! I do sip tea at work during the day (Chai Spice ) Just never thought about it as a craving buster. Next time I'm at the grocery store, I'll purchase decaf instead. Thanks !!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    GREAT tip!
    I love hot tea before bed anyway during the winter months. I do love to add that honey though.....but i'm gonna go with splenda from now on.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    My problem is if I drink a cup of tea at night, I will most definitely have to get up during the night for a "pit stop", and I would rather not....I have found that hot chocolate doesn't affect me so much in that way, and the chocolate helps take care of some of my cravings too.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Well, I am currently doing the Master Cleanse and though it is VERY difficult to not eat for 10 days, the "lemonade" DEFINITELY curbs your hunger pangs! I just got home from work and I swear I noticed every restaurant on the way home! I almost quit and ate a big ol' bowl of elbow mac in one of my "special sauces". But I made the lemonade, am drinking it now and have been without food (other than my lemonade) for 29 hours. (Truthfully, I slept 6 hours of that last night.)

    It goes like this:

    60 oz filtered water
    12 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
    12 tbsp GRADE B mable syrup
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    Organic can become really expensive so I would say for the sole purpose of curbing your appetite, you can go with regular lemons. But I wouldnt skimp on the maple syrup. Its about $18 a bottle (32oz) and lasts about 3 days if all you are consuming is the lemonade. As a supplement, I'm sure it would last much longer. It really does not taste bad, either!

    Hope it helps you...its definitely helping me!

    29 hours!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have a MAJOR sweet tooth, so my favorite night time snack is a glass of skim milk with a tablespoon of no-sugar-added chocolate Nesquick. It curbs my sweet-tooth and fills me enough so my stomach is settled and Im not hungry when I go to bed. I drink it slow so it lasts a while and gets rid of those cravings for evening sweets. If you want to make it last even longer, warm it up and make no-sugar hot chocolate!

    It also helps me watch how many calories Im intaking for other meals since I always have to have enough left over at the end of the day for my "treat". :0) The milk is good for you and curbs your appetite!
  • Najila
    Najila Posts: 18
    I have heard of the hot herbal tea trick late at night - and although I have tried that, I'll be honest. For a hardcore sugar addict, it just doesn't work. Some nights, I'm able to trick myself, drink the tea, and go to bed early even with my stomach rumbling a bit. But thanks for posting the tip anyway! I am always on the lookout for good tips.

    But the chocolate milk idea - I will definitely try that one! Usually after dinner, I'm accustomed to something sweet - and chocolate. When I was pregnant, I was always hungry before bed, so I would down a big glass of chocolate soy milk. But of course, that has a ton of calories - good when you're pregnant, not so good when you're trying to lose the pregnancy weight!!

    Adding to my grocery list - sugar free Nesquick!
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Yep.....late night is my biggest problem too and the reason for most of my weight gain. I'm also trying to stick to just a cup of tea in the evening and maybe a yogurt.
  • ks2001
    ks2001 Posts: 40
    I think we can learn from our past, like from generations that have made coffee and tea a ritual and/or a social experience. Make it special and that should help detract us from the fact that we really want frozen pizza! :tongue:
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Well, I am currently doing the Master Cleanse and though it is VERY difficult to not eat for 10 days, the "lemonade" DEFINITELY curbs your hunger pangs! I just got home from work and I swear I noticed every restaurant on the way home! I almost quit and ate a big ol' bowl of elbow mac in one of my "special sauces". But I made the lemonade, am drinking it now and have been without food (other than my lemonade) for 29 hours. (Truthfully, I slept 6 hours of that last night.)

    It goes like this:

    60 oz filtered water
    12 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
    12 tbsp GRADE B mable syrup
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    Organic can become really expensive so I would say for the sole purpose of curbing your appetite, you can go with regular lemons. But I wouldnt skimp on the maple syrup. Its about $18 a bottle (32oz) and lasts about 3 days if all you are consuming is the lemonade. As a supplement, I'm sure it would last much longer. It really does not taste bad, either!

    Hope it helps you...its definitely helping me!

    29 hours!

    seriously 10 days? 10 DAYS? More power to you.... keep me posted on your results!
  • nicola80
    Hey, another tip if you crave sweet things at night, add cinnamon to a yogurt or fruit mid afternoon. It stops your body craving chocolate etc at night. I've been doing this for awhile now as I really crave chocolate and biscuits when the kids have gone to bed. So far so good!! Hope it helps:)