New Here

I'm from Missouri and quit smoking 1 1/2 years ago and gained some weight and have been exercising everyday for 30-60 minutes and have not lost a single pound. Very frustrating. A dietitian told me about this site and to check it out. I am hoping this will help with losing the weight. At this point I have about 30 pounds to lose. I'm still trying to understand carbs and good fat versus bad and lean protein. I'm hoping to learn a lot from this site. :smile:


  • I'm new here as well!!! I would like to lose about 25lbs so maybe we can keep each other on track!!! I had a baby about 2 years ago and have been struggling with my weight ever since. Let me know if you are willing to be my motivation and vice versa!
  • shantalhunt
    I'm new here to!!! Looking to lose around 25lbs as well. Maybe we all can help motivate each other. I am married with 5 children and need to lose those few extra pounds that have acumulated over the years.:smile:
  • lets do it @ shantalhunt!!!
  • justjenny77
    justjenny77 Posts: 2 Member
    I am pretty new here too. I am just starting my 3rd week. I am finding it very easy to track my food. Much better than when I tried to lose weight a few years ago and track things in a actual journal. This has worked out well for me because I always have my phone and don't have to do the math. I am trying to lose a grand total of 33.8 lbs to reach a healthy BMI.

    Welcome and Good luck!
  • ladybrandy
    ladybrandy Posts: 30 Member
    We have a 7-Day Challenge Group that has a new challenge every 7 days. If you're interested in joining, you can find it under "Groups", then search for 7 Day Challenges.
  • KimmyG77
    KimmyG77 Posts: 7 Member
    Newbie here goal weight lost right now is 25lbs. Just want to feel the support and understanding that its hard to lose weight.
  • Mrs_Chops
    Mrs_Chops Posts: 51 Member
    Let's all do it together! Feel free to add!