Bad knees- what workouts do you do?

I injured my knee apparantly (I'm icing it right now). I noticed it about 6 weeks ago or so while running but I would ignore it. I realized I couldn't put any weight on my left knee while kneeling (I did not tear an ACL- I actually did that to my right knee years ago which does NOT ever cause me problems).

So two days ago, I jump rope and yesterday run, ignoring any issues (I don't notice it much when I'm actually moving). But afterward..yikes I can barely walk (not swollen) but I'm thinkin Water On The Knee?

Anyway, how can I keep up my toning, workouts and losing weight, what workouts do you do for a bum knee? I usually run, walk, trampoline, dance, aerobics, weights, bike and elliptical the most.

Now I'm thinking; yoga, pilates, walking and weights only until it takes a couple months to heal completely. I also wonder if I will be able to go back to running again someday or is this something I can never do again?


  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    I started with yoga /pilates,as i got better i started walking and elliptical.I also weight train

    heres some toning workouts for bad knees
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    You can also play around with the eliptical trainer. It's pretty easy on the joints and is an excellent workout! And if you run, run on sand or grass instead of side walk. Walking is good, too.

    I'm addicted to running. Even though I'm developing runners' knee, I refuse to stop!
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    This is a question for your doctor. My best guess would be that yoga and pilates are ideal, since you sit for a majority of both. Don't push it, though - injuries are serious and should be taken seriously. There's no shame in taking a break from exercise while your body heals. It may be a good opportunity to put energy into meal planning and getting nutrition in check. After all, losing weight is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise.

    But really, ask your doctor.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I have torn my ACLs 5 times between the 2 of them and had subsequent surgeries. I have no cartilage left in my left knee at all.

    Surprisingly, going to Spin has been amazing for my knees. I am biting my tongue a tiny bit because after 3 months of going to Spin religiously and not having problems, I did swell up yesterday, but I think it may be unrelated. I have been a swimmer all my life and that is also very good for your body and zero impact. I try to spin or swim everyday. Just think NO IMPACT or very, very low impact. And not going to lie, running is probably out. It is for me, at least. I almost always start to feel better and press my luck and start to run again, and it's always disastrous. So now I stick with no or low impact workouts and have been steady in my fitness.

    It is frustrating - SO frustrating - but try to focus on what you CAN do and not what you can't.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    After it's healed do some proper deep squats. That will strengthen the muscles around your knees and make them more resilient against future injuries.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    Don't mess with your knees, if you don't get it healed it could haunt you for the rest of your life. A chiropractor can be really helpful and is worth checking out.
  • I preface this by saying I am not giving medical advice..of course that must come from your physician...and that is where I strongly suggest you start. BUT>>>>since, sad to say, I have had knee problems for years and years I can say it can be just about ANYTHING. I have had 3 ACL reconsctructions over the past 15 years (2 on right and 1 on left). My left knee is doing great, but my right knee is currently my problem knee...ever since my last ACL I have not been able to get full extension....okay, but this is not about me...I digress...
    Point being....I find the best thing to do for my knee is walk. Stationary bikes are good as well....Swimming is very easy on the joints...I personally don't do a lot of swimming but see it in my future. :)
    I wish you the very best of luck.
    I stress again getting in to a good MD to find out what you are working with in terms of injury...
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    My left knee is held together by two hefty screws. I had a tibia tubular surgery 4 years ago and my knee has never really recovered. 1,000 Americans have this surgery a year so it is very rare. It took me 3 years to wear high heels again, but every day is still a struggle. DO NOT use an elliptical. It is the WORST thing you can do for a bad knee. The motion is not natural and will only do more damage. I learned this before my surgery, for I had been using an elliptical an hour a day for 3 years at that point.

    I highly suggest cross trainers; looks like an elliptical but is a more natural movement. Zumba, yoga, pilates. Just know your limit. I know what I can and can't do like lift leg weights, do too much jumping/hopping/skipping (agonizing!) and I actually literally cannot run. Just do what feels good. Your body will let you know---so listen to it!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've had my left meniscus repaired an ACL reconstruction in my right and have no PCL in my right knee, I do just about everything still sans running
  • kappa17
    kappa17 Posts: 17 Member
    hi... would recommend low impact workouts, as well as swimming and cycling, yoga, pilates, weighted walks

    once recovered - static squats and lunges help strengthen the muscles around the knees...
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    I have arthritis in both knees, and I tried Zumba for the first time the other nite. It never bothered my knees, suprisingly. Im going to go back to tomarrow nights class and give it a try again. I wasnt able to do a lot of the high energy movements, but I kept moving, and I got a really good workout without hurting my knees.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You should be asking your doctor, not random strangers on the intertubz ....but since you asked....using an elliptical is much much easier on the knees than most cardio options. My knees get pretty sore from too many years on my feet on too many hard tile floors, but the elliptical doesn't aggravate the problem like a treadmill or hiking do, even though I enjoy both of those. Good luck!
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    I have torn my ACLs 5 times between the 2 of them and had subsequent surgeries. I have no cartilage left in my left knee at all.

    Surprisingly, going to Spin has been amazing for my knees. I am biting my tongue a tiny bit because after 3 months of going to Spin religiously and not having problems, I did swell up yesterday, but I think it may be unrelated. I have been a swimmer all my life and that is also very good for your body and zero impact. I try to spin or swim everyday. Just think NO IMPACT or very, very low impact. And not going to lie, running is probably out. It is for me, at least. I almost always start to feel better and press my luck and start to run again, and it's always disastrous. So now I stick with no or low impact workouts and have been steady in my fitness.

    It is frustrating - SO frustrating - but try to focus on what you CAN do and not what you can't.

    Ditto to all of that! My fiance sustained a really nasty knee injury this past summer (tibial plateau fractures out the wazoo). After his surgery he's worked himself up little by little, mainly through spinning and swimming. It's really helped him get back into shape while his knee is still healing.
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    My mom has MS and bad knees ...her Physical Therapist has her doing the stationary bike & a sitting eliptical machine...also swimming is great!:smile:
  • I am having the same issues !! I was thinking water in the knee my knee swells up but I notice that the more I move ( light walking) it seems to feel better while I am doing it but good lord after it hurts so bad. I am having the same issues as far as working out. I dont know what to do.
  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    I have fluid in both knees, I don't run, I do elliptical, brazil butt lift DVDs, weight train, Jillian michaels ripped in 30 but,modify any jumping, I do stepping same for the brazil butt lift, no impact of any kind. I also do slim in six pack for my abs. I find if I do any impact or incorrect lunges or squatting, very sore knees follow. I also always wear elastic knee bands that have padding right over the knee caps,I find them very helpful.
    Good luck, feel well & try to have the dr. Look at you if you didn't go yet.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    I have arthritis in both knees, and I tried Zumba for the first time the other nite. It never bothered my knees, suprisingly. Im going to go back to tomarrow nights class and give it a try again. I wasnt able to do a lot of the high energy movements, but I kept moving, and I got a really good workout without hurting my knees.
    That's my problem arthritis in both knees and elbows. I do Zumba Gold, which is like low impact aerobics and also Zumba toning with weights. I find I need painkillers before the session and I'm hoping it's only over winter that it's been this bad. Zumba is really good just adjust it to what you can do and don't jump around too much!!!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I used to be an avid runner but it got too hard on my hips and knees. I switched to cycling about two years ago and am enjoying it quite a bit without the pain.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    You can also play around with the eliptical trainer. It's pretty easy on the joints and is an excellent workout! And if you run, run on sand or grass instead of side walk. Walking is good, too.

    I'm addicted to running. Even though I'm developing runners' knee, I refuse to stop!

    That might be *part* of my problem, is I run on concrete only because the closest track to me is concrete and 1/2 mile long, I don't know any rubber tracks I can use.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I used to be an avid runner but it got too hard on my hips and knees. I switched to cycling about two years ago and am enjoying it quite a bit without the pain.

    I was very proud of my running goals I have hit, but I guess if I can't run I cannot run, I better find an alternative.