Who else has a lot to lose?



  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    If anyone lacked motivation I would have to say I was the club president, or at least I was in August 2012. I am 51 and I see many younger people on this post, but we all are wanting the same thing, weight loss. I also have osteoarthritis in my left knee and right hip which I thought was an excuse not to exercise, especially since I was told I need my hip replaced. Well when my weight hit 225 at my doctors appt in July and I found I was a diabetic back in April, I knew it was time for a change. I had 100 pounds to lose since my goal weight is 125. Since starting MFP as well as starting doing Zumba in Aug, I have dropped 15 pounds and a total of 13.25 inches all over, of which 5.25 inches was in my waist. If you are like I was, and I am not advertising for Zumba, but please try it. I have never felt more energized in my entire life and couldnt wait to exercise again since I started it. I didn't have the money to order the DVD's so I went into Frostwire, a free download program, and downloaded the files. I started out doing only 10 mins cause I couldn't do more than that I was so out of shape. Now I do 45 mins 5-6 days a week since starting it 4 weeks ago and look forward to doing it everytime!! You just get lost in the music and forget that you are working out. It doesn't matter how much you weigh, or how out of shape you are, Zumba can be done by anyone in any shape. Just do what you can and rest when you need to. you might be saying " But I have two left feet and no rhythm..." No worries, the good thing about it, is that it doesnt matter as long as you're moving.. Gotta start somewhere, just like I did..... My motto is move to lose!!! HUGS to you, friend me if you like.
  • book_worm4
    I have a lot too lose as well. My highest weight was 225, and I'm trying to lose about 100 pounds. I've been struggling with depression and getting motivated, but right now I'm trying to get back on track and start getting healthy again. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • aschaldecker
    I am on the journey with you! :) I started at 310. My goal is 135. I will make it and so will you! :)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I began at 360 and have lost 67 so I'm sitting at 293. Feel free to add me, I'll be around for quite a long time.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Oh yes I have a lot to lose im currently about 250 or 260 its really tough Take it from me iv tried all my life..
    i still never could be thin or get down to the weight i wanted dont get me wrong i lost some but would always gain it back but iv decided to change my life.
    and i found a great program and support system were i know i can do this ... Just keep on going on :)
  • amypro83
    I have a lot to lose as well. I was always curvy, being 170 in high school. After 3 kids, a messy divorce, death of a child, and several other life events, I ballooned up to 300. I'm down 16 pounds so far, started about a month ago or so. I'm tired of my knees hurting and creaking, and I want to find some cool clothes that fit. I am hoping to get back down to my high school weight. :) Best of luck to you! we can do this!!! Add me if you want another supporter!! :)
  • Barbarapl
    You can do it! I've been a big girl all my life. When I was younger, I once went to a special camp to lose some weight. It helped for a bit, but after returning home, I started to eat more than ever. At my peak, I used to weight around 271 lbs. Last year, I decided to do something about it and I have lost about 18 lbs. But I was to lazy to continue it. This month, I discovered various motivational blogs that led me to some amazing sites (like MFP) and exercises, and as result my body told me that it's ready to feel lighter. And I want to help it achieve this goal! I want to lose 110 lbs.

    As for exercises, I used to hate them with a passion. But recently, I've noticed that I want to move. And now, I do amazing workouts with Tiffany Rothe and Cassie Ho. Therefore, I believe that everything is possible!

    If you want, you can add me - we can motivate each other!
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    I have my whole weight loss journey on my profile page, and I've rehashed it a million times, but I definitely relate to your struggles. My highest weight was 304. I was actually around that weight for a couple of years and before that, all through high school and middle school I was morbidly obese. I've never, ever known thin. I've never known normal, really. Started losing weight in 2009, lost about 95 pounds in one year, then gained almost all of it back. Now I'm working on losing it again. Well, that's all the gist of it.

    I know what being morbidly obese is like because I lived and live it every single day. Being the biggest person in the room at all times, having a very slight selection of clothing to choose from, being ridiculed and mocked, not enjoying common activities, not being able to cross my legs or tie my shoes, being rejected and humiliated... I don't have many friends on MFP who have been at a very high weight, so I do welcome any friends who have a lot to lose. We can certainly understand each other in a different way, I think. (Not saying I don't love all my MFP friends because I do; but I relate much more to people with similar struggles, just like anyone!).

    Also, my goal weight is around 150, so I have around 115-120 pounds to lose left.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    I started here at 340 and want to drop 200 pounds total. I'm down 18 pounds since I really started pushing myself harder a few months ago. I want to drop the total 200 pounds by the time I turn 30... so I've got a long way to go, but I'm addicted to exercise now and do at least an hour a day of moderate-heavy cardio and pushups/crunches/squats for toning.
  • swopely
    I need to lose 168 lbs to get to my goal , I've been 100 lbs bigger then this. We can definitely do this though if we persevere !
  • ErzaScarlet
    ErzaScarlet Posts: 64 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm currently 154lbs and my goal is 133. :)
  • brandycochran
    brandycochran Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on the same journey....starting at 247 and would like to get back to 185 where I was just a few short years ago it seems. I know i can do it and reading/seeing inspirations is great motivation!! Best of luck to YOU and EVERYONE here!!!!
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    I always struggled to stay average weight when I was in school. In college,I was able to get down to 135 which was the thinnest I had ever been. After I got married,I started having medical problems,diagnosed with hypothyroidism and PCOS,packed on the weight.,went up to 200#.Then when I was able to get pregnant,I was not able to lose the pregnancy weight,my highest was 227.I am currently 214,have been able to lose some with exercise and eating a whole different way,but it takes me extra long to lose even a little amount. My doctor says it's because of my insulin resistence,so I am trying a few different ways of eating to reach my goal. I have about 80 more lbs to lose.I understand how difficult it is to be overweight and how discouraging things can get.I believe you can reach your goaland I will reach mine.Feel free to friend me if you like.Best of luck to you.
  • tamarama72
    tamarama72 Posts: 13 Member
    Me! I've got over 100 pounds to lose... I'm pretty new to MFP so anyone can feel free to add me!
  • changeahead22
    My Husband and I joined weight watchers a little over a year ago. Both of us had over 100 lbs to lose, we were actually finalist to be on the biggest loser if that is any indication of how big we were. My husband was pushing 450 lbs and I was 250! Too big and too young. Currently I'm down 67 and my husband is down 96. So it's possible. Just remember it's a life long journey. YOu'll have good weeks and bad weeks. The biggest thing that helped me was non scale victories when I didn't have a good week on the scale. FOr example, having my engagement ring that I couldn't wear before i started, finally fit, and then that moment when I had to go and get it resized because it was too big. I joined Crossfit 6 weeks ago and they recommended that I check out this site and I'm so glad I did. Moral here: you can do it, take it slow and remember it's not about a number on the scale. I've changed my life around and feel incredible. Caring about what I eat and what I do for exercise is so much nicer than sitting around throwing a pity party and eating my feelings. Add me if you want! It's tough, but worth it and really attainable. Set small goals and you'll do it. you made great strides just from signing up for MFP, have a goal be to measure and track every day for a week. Once that week is over add to you goal. You can do it!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I was 335 at my heaviest, 300 when I started here. It is a journey, but you can certainly do it! I am a little over halfway to my goal weight and I know even though it isn't easy, I will make it! This site has given me another tool to help keep me on track. The motivation is terrific and it has been very helpful tracking my food. It is amazing how quickly those calories will add up if you let it go unchecked!

    Best of luck to you and anyone can feel free to add me :happy:
  • martintanz
    I started off well in the 280s, which was quite a shock. I had lost weight in '04 and was around 210. Now down 18 lbs since July. I hope to be back to 210 by next spring and who knows, maybe by summer I can get back to under 200, which is a weight I haven't seen since the 80s.
  • Mrbusterb
    I was 491 when i started now i'm 363 and still have a lot to lose.Feel free to add me
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    So about me - I've always been a "big guy". Weighed probably 320-ish when I graduated high school. For a while I improved and got down to about 275 (UPS - crappy job, great workout!), but then fell off the wagon and shot back up to 405 at my peak. Now I'm 28 and trying to get rid of it for good. I'm down about 30 lbs so far but still haven't been as serious as I want to be. I'm back in school and it's tough trying to balance work/study/exercise plus eating healthy when I really just want something quick and convenient!

    Looking for anyone in a similar situation or who just wants to share motivation!

    Stay away from Boone Takeout my man
  • kodimoore
    kodimoore Posts: 4 Member
    I've always been up over 200. after getting out of prison i started working out and playing a lot of softball. that was easy enough, because it was fun. I didn't start eating better until recently, its going to be a long battle, but i've been through worse. i started this venture at 185...2 weeks later i'm at 183. motivation is hard.