Hey all

Are you trying to lose weight after having your first child or are you a pro at this and this is your 3rd, 4th & + time around ?
Personally, this is my 2nd time aiming at a big weight loss goal but my 1st time trying to lose weight after a child. I have one son with my husband, he is turning 9 months in a couple weeks and I must say..losing weight after a child and a c-section is MUCH harder than I imagined after losing 75 lbs a few years before I had my son like it was nothing ! I lost those 75 lbs in a summers time, just a few short months and now... I am struggling after almost 9 months after my son is lose this weight.
I am new to MFP but I have lost 20-25 lbs since my son was born and that came off like nothing within the first 2 months after I gave birth. The longer it gets, the harder it is but I am not giving up ! And after some very great tips and tricks and how eliminating calories alone and basic cardio will leave me standing still.. I have a much better outlook on things and ready to begin my REAL journey to weight loss with a new mind frame for a new body !! My husband is currently deployed and has been for the last month now. I want to look amazing by the time he comes back and I am starting today with a new look on things. Wish me luck ! I wish you all luck ! I want to lose 60 lbs in 7 months, while continuing to exclusively breastfeed my son and keeping a healthy milk supply. I believe I can do this !! New beautiful, confident, and sexy me, here I come !!

Old me before I fell in love and forgot to pay attention to my weight and what I ate !!




this is what got me here and this is what is SOO WORTH IT
the beautiful life our love created :)


and this is my WORLD, my inspiration :)




  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    That's great! No kids for me, but I still feel like I relate to your story a little bit. What branch is your husband in?
  • That's great! No kids for me, but I still feel like I relate to your story a little bit. What branch is your husband in?

    Thanks and I wish you the best of luck !!
    He is in the army and in afghanistan for the past month and I am trying my best to beat the depression and focus on positive things like this !!
    Do you know how do I post pics here ?? I tried from photo bucket but its saying the photo has been removed when its there right now !! Lol
  • Em_ALPT
    WOW - that's fantastic!! I have a little boy as well, first child for hubby and I. He turns 10 months old on Saturday :) I didn't put any weight on while I was pregnant which I was pretty proud of but thanks to a baby who won't stick to a routine I did develop and emotional eating problem and put on 10kgs in his first 9 months with us. I've been a member of MFP for ages and I'm a qualified PT so I'm kicking my own butt with exercise but still struggling with the emotional eating side. Very disappointed with myself but so determined to get rid of this extra weight before summer.
    Would love to share tips and knowledge if you want. Feel free to add me and we can support each other!!
    All the best with your journey, you've got some great goals set there :)
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    That's great! No kids for me, but I still feel like I relate to your story a little bit. What branch is your husband in?

    Thanks and I wish you the best of luck !!
    He is in the army and in afghanistan for the past month and I am trying my best to beat the depression and focus on positive things like this !!
    Do you know how do I post pics here ?? I tried from photo bucket but its saying the photo has been removed when its there right now !! Lol

    Hmm use the code on photobucket that starts with [IMG]but make the "IMG"s lowercase and that should do it, if not maybe re-uploading it would work? I wish you the best of luck getting through the deployment! I think it's great you're focusing on your fitness goals though, what a great way to take your mind off of things! And I'm sure your reunion with your husband will be even that much more amazing when you have progress to show off! :) My fiance is USAF, has been for 3 years now, so I know how rough it can be. So worth it though.[/img]
  • WOW - that's fantastic!! I have a little boy as well, first child for hubby and I. He turns 10 months old on Saturday :) I didn't put any weight on while I was pregnant which I was pretty proud of but thanks to a baby who won't stick to a routine I did develop and emotional eating problem and put on 10kgs in his first 9 months with us. I've been a member of MFP for ages and I'm a qualified PT so I'm kicking my own butt with exercise but still struggling with the emotional eating side. Very disappointed with myself but so determined to get rid of this extra weight before summer.
    Would love to share tips and knowledge if you want. Feel free to add me and we can support each other!!
    All the best with your journey, you've got some great goals set there :)

    Aww thank you !!!!!
    Good luck and congrats on the little one !
    You sound like a pro and I believe you can do this as well and I'd love to have you as a friend ! Turn the disappointment youre feeling into motivation and reverse this !! YOU CAN do this and you have to believe in yourself :)
    I turn to eating when I feel depressed as well, especially now that my husband is away and it is very hard but indulge in the right foods and it wont be as bad. When I feel the hunger horrors come on, lol I run around and clean or play with my son and I forget I was even starting to sink into depression in the first place. I wish you the best of luck and I am always here for support for anyone !!
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    See your pics now - your son is beautiful btw! Precious!
  • That's great! No kids for me, but I still feel like I relate to your story a little bit. What branch is your husband in?

    Thanks and I wish you the best of luck !!
    He is in the army and in afghanistan for the past month and I am trying my best to beat the depression and focus on positive things like this !!
    Do you know how do I post pics here ?? I tried from photo bucket but its saying the photo has been removed when its there right now !! Lol

    Hmm use the code on photobucket that starts with [IMG]but make the "IMG"s lowercase and that should do it, if not maybe re-uploading it would work? I wish you the best of luck getting through the deployment! I think it's great you're focusing on your fitness goals though, what a great way to take your mind off of things! And I'm sure your reunion with your husband will be even that much more amazing when you have progress to show off! :) My fiance is USAF, has been for 3 years now, so I know how rough it can be. So worth it though.[/img]

    Thanks I used tinypic instead :)
    I appreciate the help and thank you for helping me to feel even better about this :)
    My husband has been in for going on 3 years and it does suck but I am ready to get this part of our lives over with a new mind frame and a new body I can't wait to see the look on his face ! Thinking about it reminds me of when I first lost the weight, for prom !


    I tried SO hard and I am ready now with an even better inspiration this time being my family :)

    What is your goal and inspirations ?!? Id love to hear everyones !
  • See your pics now - your son is beautiful btw! Precious!

    Awww thank you !!!! He is growing so fast it is crazy he is already 9 months feels like he was just born yesterday and I look like it too LOL soo ready not to !

  • AuroraSav
    I've got a 14 month old! I'm finding that losing weight when you're busy with an almost-toddler is a challenge! I'd love to be your MFP pal :)
  • I've got a 14 month old! I'm finding that losing weight when you're busy with an almost-toddler is a challenge! I'd love to be your MFP pal :)

    He is adorable too I love his cheeks !
  • AmberMahfouz
    Congrats on your beautiful little boy! And good luck on your weightloss journey. You will meet some fabulous friends on here!
  • Congrats on your beautiful little boy! And good luck on your weightloss journey. You will meet some fabulous friends on here!

    Thank you :) I have met some great people already and new to this site ! Setting a goal and getting to where you want is always easier and more enjoyable with great supportive friends :happy:

    Thanks everyone you're all sweet !!