Self sabotaging?



  • Tensky
    One of my friends quit chocolate this year, completely. She used to eat at least a chocolate bar every day, but went cold turkey and said that after a few weeks her cravings were gone completely. She's now not eaten it for about four months, and doesn't plan to ever again. There's no need to do this as a little bit of high quality chocolate won't hurt you or prevent you losing weight (as long as it really is just a little bit) but it is possible even for chocoholics to give it up. If you want to do this, make sure you're not replacing it with a bad substitute, like loads of nuts or something. These aren't bad for you, but weight for weight the calories of nuts and chocolate are about equal, depending which nuts and what kind of chocolate, so you don't want to replace chocolate binges for nut binges if you're only concern is the calories. Fruit is a lower calorie substitute.

    If you don't want to cut it out completely (and why would you? it's delicious!) just cut all the really bad chocolate - the cheap stuff you can buy in the supermarket that's full of weird flavourings and nasty stuff - and buy only small quantities of high quality chocolate when you want it. Don't keep great stocks of it in the pantry or you're tempted to binge.