Any Vegans on here?

Wondering if there were others relatively new to veganism who were workign on health goals. on here. Sometimes I feel like the world's fattest vegan, which I can call myself tongue in cheek, but this site stresses in a few places sharing a diet makes it easier to complete, so...if anyone else is a vegan, juices regularly - fruit and vegetable, not Barry Bonds cream and clear ;) - let me know and maybe we can motivate each other.


  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yup! I've been vegetarian for a long time, but just now decided to give veganism a second try after I failed in it in high-school... I'd love to have many vegan friends, I think one of the things that help me most is that my diary's open and people would see I cheated if I did. :)
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah, accountability is huge. Veganims is something a year ago I'd have laughed if someone suggested I'd be doing it now,'s kind easy for me. Vegan cake and ice cream are awesome, and the more I do it the better I feel, it's those cheat days when my stomach hurts and I feel bloated and like I want to sleep all day that are rough. Only thing I need to find is some vegan nacho cheese lol
  • MsWellington
    Hey guys! :)

    I'm a new vegan too; just started about two weeks ago, so I'm still getting used to all the changes in my life. I'm still looking to lose between 30 and 40 pounds! It would be nice to have people to talk to, whether it be for motivation or just sharing some vegan tips/recipes :)

    Best of success in your health goals!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hahaha, what I'm lacking most is omelettes. Found a recipe for tofu scramble, maybe that will do... But it's not that bad, really.

    Were you vegetarian before?
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome, MsWellington! I'm happy to help if I can. Do you have a nearby organic store? I love my trips to Whole Foods. I prefer trail mixes from a different store, but experimenting has given me increidble surprises (coconut milk-made ice cream is superb!) and some of the vegan tacitos taste worse than cardboard, but all in all everything is good. My wife makes a vegan lasanga, we use rice or soy cheese, and it's terrific. Eggplant, broccoli, etc. I find this to be a killer salad - I get the 2 1/2 (I think) organic spring mix plastic bin, and just use a handful in a large bowl, slice some cherry tomoatoes, an avocado, top with one can (15 oucnes) of organi spicy black beans and some organic vegan ranch or southwestern salad dressing and I am stuffed for lunch. Plus it's like 30 grams of protein and I feel light and free, even though being totally full and having no cravings whatsoever.

    Brevislux, omlettes are great, I used to enjoy them. Particularly with mushrooms, green peppers, tomoatoes and salsa in them. Egg substitute can be used, I forget which one my wife bought (I can't make an omlette to save the world) but she put all the above in it and it was very good. I've had a boxed tofu scramble, I liked it, my wife raved about it. It was from Amy's brand.

    I was vegetarian for a few weeks, but I wanted to end the dairy, as a lot of "vegan" things such as Oreos or "vegetarian" things like a ton of cookies, breads, yogurts and so on are sabotaging for someone like me. Plus, I can't say how much my cheating with cheese (almost always nacho cheese, which leads to sour cream, and possibly ground beef) leads me feeling terrible afterwards. It also seems to slam the brakes on motivation to move more. If I go 4-5 days of no cheating, I'm good to go and energetic, everyone notices. My goal for my dietary changes are to last until end of November, when the American holiday of Thanksgiving is. I discovered last year I'm a superb turkey maker (I make a BBQ one) and I'm making it with my family. That day, I'm going full-on binge without thinking about anything, but then again, having lamb for my birthday was a disaster, so I probaly won't feel up to it, to be honest.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Baby steps. :) I slip sometimes too, but the fact other people have a way of knowing that really makes that happen less often.

    I'll drop by the organic store to have a look, that egg replacement thing sounds pretty interesting!

    By the way, how do managed you're getting enough protein and calcium? I found it to be quite a big problem. Even food that generally has lots of protein like soy beans or lentils still has more carbs.
  • vegg_head
    vegg_head Posts: 7 Member
    Just became a dietary vegan recently- add me if you like ! :)
  • maro_p
    maro_p Posts: 57 Member
    My bf is vegan so we are a more than vegan friendly household eating loads of fruits, veg, beans and tofu.

    Add me if you like
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Just mostly vegan. (I eat some dairy and occasionally stuff with egg in it.) Anyway, if you're just starting out I highly recommend all of the Isa Moskowitz and Terry Romero books - start with Veganomicon, which will give you all the basics and a lot of solid everyday recipes, and then add the specialty books as they catch your fancy. I have two copies of Vegan Cupcakes and I think I'm going to have to get a second of Vegan Brunch because I can't find mine, but it has a really great tofu omelet recipe in it if you're looking for one. The website is a good resource too -
  • Carmen10017
    Carmen10017 Posts: 3 Member
    I am. Most days I stick with Brendan Brazers Thrive Diet. Working towards Ironman in November.
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    There are a couple of veg friendly groups here on MFP

    "Team Vegan" and "Happy Herbivores"

    Come join us!
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    I've been a vegetarian at different points in my life, recently turning to veganism in May of this year.

    Excellent omelette recipe:

    Nacho "cheese" recipe:

    Feel free to add me!
  • msphyl46
    I'm a beginner vegetarian I guess you could say. I'm in transition trying to learn what has protein, calcium etc. My goal is to become vegan. I don't eat diary except sour cream on my potatoe and will be giving that up soon. I don't want to overwhelm myself with this new way of eating. I pretty much juice every day. I feel so much better. If you could offer me some advise I will be happy to receive it. Be Healthy!!!!
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    I've been a vegan for 20 years and have struggled with my weight most of that time.
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    Baby steps. :) I slip sometimes too, but the fact other people have a way of knowing that really makes that happen less often.

    I'll drop by the organic store to have a look, that egg replacement thing sounds pretty interesting!

    By the way, how do managed you're getting enough protein and calcium? I found it to be quite a big problem. Even food that generally has lots of protein like soy beans or lentils still has more carbs.

    Protein is easy - beans have plenty. There are also leafy greens with lots of calcium. More info @

    For vegans I see B12 as being semi-difficult and needing its own supplement.
    Just mostly vegan. (I eat some dairy and occasionally stuff with egg in it.) Anyway, if you're just starting out I highly recommend all of the Isa Moskowitz and Terry Romero books - start with Veganomicon, which will give you all the basics and a lot of solid everyday recipes, and then add the specialty books as they catch your fancy. I have two copies of Vegan Cupcakes and I think I'm going to have to get a second of Vegan Brunch because I can't find mine, but it has a really great tofu omelet recipe in it if you're looking for one. The website is a good resource too -

    I'll pick those books up, thank you so much for the recommendations!
    I am. Most days I stick with Brendan Brazers Thrive Diet. Working towards Ironman in November.

    That is so awesome. Scott Jurek was one of my inspirations for this. I wish you luck!!!
    There are a couple of veg friendly groups here on MFP

    "Team Vegan" and "Happy Herbivores"

    Come join us!

    I've been a vegetarian at different points in my life, recently turning to veganism in May of this year.

    Excellent omelette recipe:

    Nacho "cheese" recipe:

    Feel free to add me!

    Vegan nacho cheese? I'm gonna cry lol
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    Mysphyl46, I liked doing juicings, I felt it REALLY helped me reduce how much I was eating of bad food. I combined that with big bowls of oatmeal for breakfast, my oatmeal was Coach's Oats, (two servings) 1/4 bacg of Legendary Fruit and Nut mix from Trader Joe's, some almond milk and 2 sliced bananas. I never, ever got a craving throughout the day, even if lunch was delayed by work.

    Alan, were there things that helped during the periods of times you weren't struggling? Do certain things make it worse?
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Yeah, accountability is huge. Veganims is something a year ago I'd have laughed if someone suggested I'd be doing it now,'s kind easy for me. Vegan cake and ice cream are awesome, and the more I do it the better I feel, it's those cheat days when my stomach hurts and I feel bloated and like I want to sleep all day that are rough. Only thing I need to find is some vegan nacho cheese lol

    Vegan here, too, and endurance athlete. :) Welcome!

    I came up with a good queso-style soup or dip you might like, for quelling your nacho cheese craving. it's got less than 200 calories per serving, too

    good luck on your weight loss!
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Hi! I've been eating mostly plant based (still eat honey) for almost a year now, add me if you like! :)
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I've tried every nacho cheez recipe I've found, and my favorite so far:

    For me, my cheese cravings stopped almost immediately upon quitting dairy. But I still miss gooey nachos, so this fills in that texture hole.

    Check out blogs and cookbooks by: Dreena Burton, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Nava Atlas, Lindsey Nixon, and Robin Robertson.

    My favorite dessert book is "The Joy of Vegan Baking" by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau - scones, biscuits, cookies, breads, cakes, tarts, waffles, pancakes, etc. I also really like Burton's dessert recipes - her cookies are awesome.
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    I've tried every nacho cheez recipe I've found, and my favorite so far:

    For me, my cheese cravings stopped almost immediately upon quitting dairy. But I still miss gooey nachos, so this fills in that texture hole.

    Check out blogs and cookbooks by: Dreena Burton, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Nava Atlas, Lindsey Nixon, and Robin Robertson.

    My favorite dessert book is "The Joy of Vegan Baking" by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau - scones, biscuits, cookies, breads, cakes, tarts, waffles, pancakes, etc. I also really like Burton's dessert recipes - her cookies are awesome.
    Yeah, accountability is huge. Veganims is something a year ago I'd have laughed if someone suggested I'd be doing it now,'s kind easy for me. Vegan cake and ice cream are awesome, and the more I do it the better I feel, it's those cheat days when my stomach hurts and I feel bloated and like I want to sleep all day that are rough. Only thing I need to find is some vegan nacho cheese lol

    Vegan here, too, and endurance athlete. :) Welcome!

    I came up with a good queso-style soup or dip you might like, for quelling your nacho cheese craving. it's got less than 200 calories per serving, too

    good luck on your weight loss!

    Wowzas, thanks! Nacho cheese is something I gotta find a fix for it lol thank you so much!

    I will check out the reading too, learning more will be a big boost I think.

    BTW, this site continues to impress me with how friendly and supportive everyone is!