
Hey all trying to work out how to add Zumba into my Exercise information on my fitness pal, does anyone have any ideas on how to and also what calories are burnt in 1 hour of moderate to high impact????

Thanks in advance


  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Is Salsa dancing in the database? I know I used some sort of dancing entry when I log playing Dance Dance Revolution. But your best bet for getting an accurate calorie figure would be to buy a heart rate monitor.

    In the meantime, if you happen to have an Android phone with a camera and flash, there is a Heart Rate Monitor app that detects your HR by putting your finger over the camera lens. It's not going to be as accurate as a watch or chest strap monitor, but it's decent to fill the gap while you're waiting.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I log it as high impact aerobics. I also use a HRM to put my #s in. I know there is a website that can give you an idea of your calorie burned but, dont know it. Maybe someone else can post that for you. Zumbacalories.com or such. You can google it too.
  • I checked my usual burned calories for the time of 60 minutes and put it on my own to the exercises...
  • go on www.caloriesburnedhq.com theres a zumba calculator link there and tons of other information :)
  • AmandaJade9
    AmandaJade9 Posts: 118 Member
    I went on to the zumba website and they have this thing where you enter you weight and the length of time you did zumba and what intensity and they total the calories for you. Heres the link http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/
    Good luck hope it helps
  • Ladies, Thanks for the assistance will have a look and work it out.!!!