Eating for pleasure

This is something I've realized I do-
Life is hard in some ways.. so I eat for pleasure... in the place of other pleasures like happiness, comfort, affection etc..
I think being aware of it helps, so I can focus my attention on other hobbies & interests that bring me enjoyment instead..
Because in the end, there is no pleasure in hating how my very self looks...
make sense to anyone else?


  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Absolutely! Now that I am getting more fit, I also find it easier and more fun to find active things to do. My only obstacle really is finding OTHER PEOPLE who are willing to do the same things I like (ie, the social part). The activity last longer than the few bites you chomped on too.

    Having said that, I do enjoy food. But there is a fine line between enjoying it and letting it become your emotional core.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    i'm aware that i eat for pleasure and i don't mind. i also stress eat and anger eat and pms eat. lol... i keep a lot of portioned snacks at hand like vitatops and skinny cow treats so i can eat and not be afraid of eating an entire tub of ice cream on a binge.

    also, the other realization that helps me stay motivated is that if i don't like something why eat it? i only eat what i enjoy eating and i love healthy food so its not a problem for me. and if i don't like a certain food that is healthy, then is ok that i don't eat it, one food cant make that much of a difference anyway!
  • ullgetthere
    Oh I totally understand pleasure eating! I used to look forward to eating my Oreos at the end of my work day or a major dessert! It became my favorite activity. But now I come online in the community and check in with everyone. I go for a walk, watch a movie or work on my cake business (yes, thats another huge challenge). It takes time but you learn to find pleasure elsewhere.The kind of pleasure that doesn't leave you feeling guilty and bloated!